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Transfer Information

The state of Florida mandates that Florida state colleges require all Associate of Arts degree seeking students to declare an intended Bachelor's degree major and transfer institution by the time the student has earned 30 credit hours. In addition, advisors are required to provide students with information about required transfer pre-requisites for their intended transfer school/major if it is a Florida Public institution.

An advising hold will be placed on the record of all Associate of Arts degree seeking students when they have earned 15 credit hours toward their degree if the student has not previously declared an intended transfer major/institution. Students will be required to meet with an Academic Advisor to discuss transfer information and declare an intended bachelor's degree major/institution.

Students who are undecided will be encouraged to work with a Career Advisor or take a Career course. Links to websites that can help you with this decision are also available on the Career Services website at http://daytonastate.edu/career_services.