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Course Descriptions
ACG - Accounting
ACR - Air Cond, Refrig and Heat
AER - Automotive Service
AFR - Military Science
AMH - History
AML - English Language and Lit
ANT - Anthropology
APA - Accounting
ARH - Art
ARR - Automotive Collision
ART - Art
ASL - Foreign Lang (Sign Lang)
AST - Astronomy
BCA - Build Construct Appren
BCH - Biochemistry
BCN - Building Construction
BCT - Building Construction
BCV - Build Construct Voc
BOT - Botany
BSC - Biological Science
BUL - Business Law
CAP - Computer Science
CCJ - Criminal Justice
CDA - Computer Science
CEN - Computer Science
CET - Computer Electronic Tech
CGS - Computer Science
CHD - Early Childhood Education
CHM - Chemistry
CIS - Computer Science
CJC - Criminal Justice
CJD - Criminal Justice
CJE - Criminal Justice
CJJ - Criminal Justice
CJK - Criminal Justice
CJL - Criminal Justice
CJT - Criminal Justice
CLP - Psychology
CNT - Computer Networking
COP - Computer Science
COS - Cosmetology
COT - Computing Theory
CPO - Political Science
CRW - English Language and Lit
CSP - Cosmetology
CTS - Computer Science
DAA - Dance
DAN - Dance
DEA - Dental Assisting
DEH - Dental Hygiene
DEP - Psychology
DES - Dental Sci Support
DIG - Digital Media
DIM - Automotive Mech (Diesel)
EAP - English for Academic Purposes
ECO - Economics
EDE - Education
EDF - Education
EDG - Education
EDP - Education
EEC - Early Childhood Education
EET - Electronic Engineer Tech
EEX - Education (Except Child)
EGN - Engineering
EGS - Engineering (Support)
EME - Education
EMS - Emergency Medical Services
ENC - English Language and Lit
ENG - English Language and Lit
ENL - English Language and Lit
EPI - Education
EXP - Psychology
ESE - Education
ETC - Engineering Tech (Civil)
ETD - Engineering Tech (Draft)
ETG - Engineering Tech (Gen)
ETI - Engineering Tech (Indust)
ETM - Engineering Tech (Mech)
ETP - Engineering Tech (Power)
ETS - Engineering Tech (Spec)
EUH - History
EVR - Environmental Studies
FFP - Fire Science
FIN - Finance
FOS - Culinary Mgmt (Food Serv)
FRE - Foreign Language (French)
FSS - Culinary Mgmt (Food Serv)
GEB - General Business
GEO - Geography
GER - Foreign Language (German)
GIS - Geography (Info Science)
GLY - Geology
GRA - Interactive Media
HCP - Nursing - Assistant
HEV - Child Care Apprentice
HFT - Hospitality Management
HHD - Interior Design
HIM - Health Information
HLP - Health and Wellness
HMV - Hospitality Mgmt (Voc)
HSC - Health Sciences
HUM - Humanities
HUN - Nutrition
HUS - Human Services
IDH - Interdisciplinary Honors
IDS - Interdisciplinary Studies
IND - Interior Design
INP - Psychology
INR - Political Science
ISM - Information Systems Mgmt
ITA - Foreign Language (Italian)
JOU - Mass Comm (Journalism)
LAE - Lang Arts and English Ed
LIN - English Language and Lit
LIS - Library and Info Studies
LIT - English Language and Lit
MAC - Mathematics
MAD - Mathematics
MAE - Mathematics Education
MAN - Management
MAP - Mathematics (Applied)
MAR - Marketing
MAS - Mathematics
MAT - Mathematics
MCB - Microbiology
MEA - Medical Assisting
MET - Meteorology
MGF - Mathematics
MHF - Mathematics
MKA - Marketing
MMC - Mass Communication
MNA - Management
MSL - Military Science
MSS - Massage Therapy
MTB - Mathematics
MTG - Mathematics
MUC - Music
MUH - Music History
MUL - Music
MUM - Music Production
MUN - Music
MUS - Music
MUT - Music Theory
MVB - Music
MVK - Music
MVO - Music
MVP - Music
MVS - Music
MVV - Music
MVW - Music
NUR - Nursing
OCB - Marine Biology
OCE - Oceanography
OST - Office Systems
OTH - Occupational Therapy
PCB - Biological Science
PET - Health and Wellness
PGY - Photography
PHI - Philosophy
PHT - Physical Therapist
PHY - Physics
PLA - Paralegal (Legal Assist)
PMT - Precision Metals
POS - Political Science
PPE - Psychology
PRN - Nursing - Practical
PSB - Psychology
PSC - Physical Sciences
PSY - Psychology
QMB - Quant Methods in Business
RED - Lang Arts and English Educ
REL - Religion
RET - Respiratory Care
RTE - Radiography
RTV - Mass Comm (Radio TV))
SBM - Management (Small Bus)
SCE - Science Education
SLS - Student Life Skills
SMT - Science and Mathematics Education
SOP - Psychology
SPC - Speech Communication
SPN - Foreign Language (Spanish)
SSE - Social Studies Education
STA - Statistics
STS - Surgical Tech Studies
SWS - Soil and Water Sciences
SYG - Sociology
TAX - Accounting
TDR - Technical Drafting
THE - Theatre Arts
TPA - Theatre Arts
TPP - Theatre Arts
TSL - Teaching Eng-Second Lang
WOH - History
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AMH - History
United States History to 1877
United States History 1865 to Present
American Social History 1860 to Present
American Maritime History
Survey of US Military History
The American Civil War
World War II
The Vietnam War
Survey of African American History