Program Information
A.S. Certificate - Code 0824 - Catalog 2018/2019
Anita Bevins, Associate Professor, 386-506-3936,
Program Office, 386-506-4227,
Program Mission, Description, and Outcomes
The mission of the Broadcast Television Production Certificate is to prepare students for employment as television and video production personnel. The program teaches broadcast television and production stressing academic knowledge, problem-solving skills, work ethics, and specific occupational skills necessary for studio and field production.
The Broadcast Television Production Certificate stresses a comprehensive understanding and demonstration of video production skills including studio and field productions.
Graduates of the program will be able to:
- Demonstrate team skills.
- Demonstrate safe and efficient work practices.
- Generate a production schedule.
- Plan a production set.
- Create appropriate lighting for location and/or set productions.
- Operate a video camera.
- Shoot studio and/or location footage.
- Record, mix, and edit audio resources.
- Operate control room equipment.
- Organize and edit video resources.
Credits earned in this certificate may be applied toward the A.S. degree in Broadcast Television Production.
Note: This program is eligible for federal financial aid and state Bright Futures Scholarship.
Program Specific Courses
RTV1000C | Fundamentals of Broadcast Production and Lab | 4 |
RTV1510C | Studio Television Production and Lab | 4 |
RTV1670 | Television Directing | 3 |
RTV2241 | Producing for Television | 3 |
RTV2540 | Workshop in Studio Production | 3 |
RTV2534 | Electronic Field Production | 3 |
RTV2541C | Team Media Production and Lab | 4 |
Total: 24
Sample Program of Study
Year 1
1st Semester
RTV1000C | Fundamentals of Broadcast Production and Lab | 4 |
2nd Semester
Year 2
1st Semester
RTV2541C | Team Media Production and Lab | 4 |
RTV2534 | Electronic Field Production | 3 |
RTV2540 | Workshop in Studio Production | 3 |
Total: 24