Program Information
A.S. Degree - Code 2067 - Catalog 2018/2019
Anindya Paul, Chair, 386-506-4155,
Luke Sui, Assistant Chair, 386-506-4124,
Mina El karmadi, Senior Staff Assistant, 386-506-4154,
Program Mission, Description, and Outcomes
The program prepares students to analyze microcomputer oriented operating procedures, software applications packages, and hardware in order to devise efficient methods to manage a microcomputer-based work environment; manage technology equipment and support its users. The program incorporates innovative teaching methods, uses the latest technology, thus encouraging student success. After completion, students may seek career jobs or transition into baccalaureate programs
The Computer Information Technology program provides students with the technical credentials needed for analyzing computer oriented operating procedures, software applications packages and hardware in order to devise efficient methods to manage a computer-based work environment. In addition, students will be able to develop new systems to meet projected needs, select and install information technology equipment, troubleshoot information technology equipment and manage and support information technology users. Selected courses prep for CompTIA A+, Network+, MCP and MOS certifications.
AS Certificates That Lead To This Degree:
The Information Technology Analysis - 090300 AS Certificate is embedded within this degree. You may pursue the AS degree and also earn the AS certificate while completing the requirements for the degree, or pursue the AS certificate to develop or upgrade your skills. Contact your faculty or academic advisor for details and course options.
Graduates of the program will be able to:
- Use current techniques, skills, tools, and emerging technologies necessary for computing practices.
- Create information systems solutions for transactional, operational, managerial and executive problems.
- Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of computer hardware and networked environments.
- Demonstrate proficiency with Internet structure, organization, and Web site development.
- Design, implement and manage database applications.
- Communicate effectively with customers, supervisors and peers both orally and in writing, including technical training for users.
- Participate and function as a member of a team in the solution of problems.
- Contribute to chosen field by gaining employment in a related field or by continuing professional development.
- Evaluate and practice ethical and professional behaviors in the area of computer information technology.
Note: This program is eligible for federal financial aid and state bright futures.
Approximate Additional Costs
Consult college bookstore for approximate costs of textbooks. Consult college catalog for lab fees.
Additional Admission Requirements
Students transferring into DSC’s BSIT should take the following classes to maximize their articulation
transfer to the BS program:
General Education Courses
General Education Core - 15 Credits
Communication Core (6 Credits)
ENC1101 | Introduction to Composition | 3 |
SPC2608 | Oral Communications/Research/Presentation Skills | 3 |
Mathematics Core (3 Credits)
MAC1105: Students seeking to transfer to Bachelor's program are recommended to complete MAC1105 to satisfy their Mathematics core requirement.
Social Sciences Core (3 Credits)
Choose One Course
Humanities Core (3 Credits)
Choose One Course
AML2050 | Modern American Literature | 3 |
AML2060 | Contemporary American Literature | 3 |
AML2600 | Introduction to African American Literature | 3 |
ARH1000 | Art Appreciation | 3 |
DAN1100 | Dance Appreciation | 3 |
HUM2210 | Prehistory to Medieval Humanities | 3 |
HUM2230 | Renaissance to Postmodern Humanities | 3 |
LIT2040 | Dramatic Literature | 3 |
LIT2110 | Masterpieces of World Literature I | 3 |
LIT2120 | Masterpieces of World Literature II | 3 |
LIT2380 | Literature By Women | 3 |
MUH2110 | Introduction to Music History and Literature | 3 |
MUL1010 | Music Appreciation | 3 |
MUL2380 | Popular Music in America | 3 |
THE1000 | Theatre Appreciation | 3 |
Note: Prior to enrollment in college-level English or math courses, some students may be advised to complete college preparatory/developmental course work. See an Academic Advisor to determine developmental course requirements.
Program Specific Courses
DIG1109 | Digital Imaging Fundamentals | 3 |
CET2154 | A+ Computer Repair | 4 |
CET1600 | Network Plus | 3 |
| | |
COP2700 | Introduction to Database Management | 3 |
| OR | |
CTS2431C | Data Organization and Management and Lab | 3 |
| | |
CTS1851 | Internet Web Foundations (HTML, CSS) | 3 |
CGS2100 | Microcomputer Applications | 3 |
COP1000 | Principles of Computer Programming | 3 |
CTS2214 | Project Management w/Microsoft Project | 3 |
COP2949 | Cooperative Educational Experience in Computer Programming | 1-4 |
EGS1000 | Professional Performance for Technicians | 3 |
CTS2306 | Microsoft Windows Professional | 3 |
CTS2328 | Managing and Maintaining a Windows Network Environment | 3 |
| Elective | 3 |
| Elective | 3 |
| Elective | 3 |
COP2949 is a variable credit course (1-4 credits). The academic department has approved it for 2 credits in this program.
Computer Programming Elective
Choose Nine (9) hours:
CGS2512 | Advanced Computer Spreadsheets and Graphics Presentations | 3 |
CIS2350 | Principles of Information Assurance | 3 |
COP2842 | Web Scripting (PHP) | 3 |
CGS2820 | Web Programming (JavaScript, Ajax, ASP.Net) | 3 |
CTS2321 | Linux Fundamentals | 3 |
COP2360 | C# Programming | 3 |
COP2800 | Computer Programming Java | 3 |
CAP2023 | Introduction to Game Programming | 3 |
CEN2002 | Software Design and Development I | 3 |
COP2654 | IPhone/I Pad Programming | 3 |
DIG2100 | Web Design I | 3 |
COP2660 | Programming for Mobile Devices: Android | 3 |
EET1011C | Introduction to Electrical Circuits and Lab | 3 |
CET1112C | Digital Fundamentals and Lab | 4 |
Sample Program of Study
Year 1
1st Semester
ENC1101 | Introduction to Composition | 3 |
COP1000 | Principles of Computer Programming | 3 |
CGS2100 | Microcomputer Applications | 3 |
CET2154 | A+ Computer Repair | 4 |
EGS1000 | Professional Performance for Technicians | 3 |
Successful completers of
CET2154 are eligible to take the test to become a CompTia A+ Hardware Professional.
2nd Semester
| Mathematics Core | 3 |
DIG1109 | Digital Imaging Fundamentals | 3 |
SPC2608 | Oral Communications/Research/Presentation Skills | 3 |
CET1600 | Network Plus | 3 |
CTS1851 | Internet Web Foundations (HTML, CSS) | 3 |
Successful completers of CET1600 are eligible to take the test to become a Network Plus Professional.
Summer Semester
Year 2
1st Semester
CTS2214 | Project Management w/Microsoft Project | 3 |
| | |
COP2700 | Introduction to Database Management | 3 |
| OR | |
CTS2431C | Data Organization and Management and Lab | 3 |
| Elective | 3 |
CTS2306 | Microsoft Windows Professional | 3 |
| Social Sciences Core | 3 |
Successful completers of
CTS2306 are eligible to take the test to become a Microsoft Certified Professional.
2nd Semester
CTS2328 | Managing and Maintaining a Windows Network Environment | 3 |
| Elective | 3 |
COP2949 | Cooperative Educational Experience in Computer Programming | 1-4 |
| Elective | 3 |
COP2949 is a variable credit course (1-4 credits). The academic department has approved it for 2 credits in this program.
Total: 60
Note: Sequence of courses may vary. Check
for requisite requirements.