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Plumbers Apprentice - Union

Program Information

Apprenticeship - Code 1070 - Catalog 2018/2019

John Fanelli, Program Manager/Training Director, John.Fanelli@daytonastate.edu

Bridgette Cherry, 386-506-4165, Bridgette.Cherry@daytonastate.edu

Program Mission, Description, and Outcomes


The mission of the Plumbing Apprentice - Union program is to provide the knowledge, practice and skill development necessary to become a successful journeyman Plumber, Pipe-fitter, or Service Technician.


The Plumbers and Pipefitters Local Union #295 apprenticeship program is a state subsidized, five-year plumbing residential, commercial and industrial program. Apprentices begin with an OSHA safety course in which every passing student will be OSHA certified by a Daytona Beach Plumbers and Pipefitters Local Union #295 instructor. Students learn rules and regulations for the "craft" in the state of Florida. Courses include: math, drawing interpretation, welding, pipefitting, layout, rigging and signaling, tubing and instruction, basic air conditioning and refrigeration as well as use and care of tools. Apprentices receive extensive classroom and on-the-job training (OJT).

In most cases, a great deal of financial resources and energy are required to prepare for your career, but in a registered apprenticeship program, you are paid a progressively increased wage while you learn the occupation. The curriculum provides knowledge and skills training in all aspects of the plumbers and pipe fitters field. Apprentices are required to work a total of 10,000 hours of OJT and 1,230 class hours for successful completion of the program 5 year program. Classes are held at Daytona State College, Daytona Campus, 1200 West International Speedway Boulevard, Daytona Beach, FL 32114 and OJT is scheduled at various places of employment.


Graduates of the program will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate the ability to follow rules, building codes, and all state and federal safety regulations.

  2. Demonstrate proper usage of different tools, equipment, materials and products used in the trade.

  3. Demonstrate knowledge in all aspects of the industry including but not limited to theory, application, troubleshooting and safety.

  4. Demonstrate skills in the residential, commercial and industrial markets.

  5. Demonstrate the ability to develop and implement projects related to the field.

Note: The length of this program makes it ineligible for federal and state financial aid.

Approximate Additional Costs

Program Tuition and Fees: None

Other Cost: Contact Daytona Beach Plumbers and Pipefitters Union at 386-252-7429.

Additional Admission Requirements


Applicants must apply and be accepted by the sponsor, the Daytona Beach Plumbers and Pipefitters Union #295 to be eligible for the program.

  1. Potential apprentices must be 18 years of age or older at the time the application is completed at Daytona Beach Plumbers and Pipefitters Union Hall, 743 N. Beach Street, Daytona Beach, FL 32114. 

  2. Daytona Beach Plumbers and Pipefitters Union #295 Apprenticeship Committee must select first-year apprentices, before beginning the program. Please contact David Fitzgerald (Training Director of Daytona Beach Plumbers and Pipefitters Union #295 at 386-252-7429. Website for Daytona Beach Plumbers and Pipefitters Union #295 Apprenticeship Committee is www.ua295.org

  3. High school diploma or GED equivalency is required for admission into the program. To be determined by Committee.

  4. High school transcripts required. GED grades report required when applicable.

  5. Valid driver's license and physically able to perform duties of trade.

  6. One credit of high school algebra.

  7. Take a drug test prior to employment.


Students who have been selected by the committee must be admitted to Daytona State College by completing the Daytona State College Application for Admissions. The College does charge a one-time, non-refundable assessment fee to all students, at the time of initial enrollment.  

Students will be registered for apprenticeship classes and on-the-job training through the appropriate apprenticeship committee.


The following information is required by federal regulations to be provided to all students for all vocational and certificate programs. Additional information on any career, job or salary potential can be found at


The typical length of the program is five years and includes class time and paid on-the-job-training.

46.053 Plumbing Technology/ Plumber
47-2152.02 Plumbers Bright Outlook Green 
47-2152.00 Plumbers, Pipefitters, and Steamfitters 
47-3015.00 Helpers--Pipelayers, Plumbers, Pipefitters, and Steamfitters 
49-9071.00 Maintenance and Repair Workers, General 
47-4071.00 Septic Tank Servicers and Sewer Pipe Cleaners 
47-2152.01 Pipe Fitters and Steamfitters 

Note: Need help preparing for your job search? Login to Daytona State's Career Services Online (CSO) to create your personal career account, or email your Daytona State College Career Advisor.

Program Specific Courses

BCA0450LPlumbing Apprentice 1 Lab


BCA0451Plumbing Apprentice 2


BCA0451LPlumbing Apprentice 2 Lab


BCA0452Plumbing Apprentice 3


BCA0452LPlumbing Apprentice 3 Lab


BCA0453LPlumbing Apprentice 4 Lab


BCA0454Plumbing Apprentice 5


BCA0454LPlumbing Apprentice 5 Lab


BCA0455Plumbing Apprentice 6


BCA0455LPlumbing Apprentice 6 Lab


BCA0456LPlumbing Apprentice 7 Lab


BCA0457Plumbing Apprentice 8


BCA0457LPlumbing Apprentice 8 Lab


BCA0458Plumbing Apprentice 9


BCA0458LPlumbing Apprentice 9 Lab


BCA0459LPlumbing Apprentice 10 Lab


BCA0431Plumbing Apprentice 11


BCA0431LPlumbing Apprentice 11 Lab


BCA0432Plumbing Apprentice 12


BCA0432LPlumbing Apprentice 12 Lab


BCA0433LPlumbing Apprentice 13 Lab


BCA0434Plumbing Apprentice 14


BCA0434LPlumbing Apprentice 14 Lab


BCA0435Plumbing Apprentice 15


BCA0435LPlumbing Apprentice 15 Lab




Awarded by Apprenticeship Office of Workforce Education, 
Florida Department of Education on Successful Completion of Program
If you are interested in applying tor this program, please contact: 

John Fanelli, Jr., Program Manager/Training Director

Plumbers & Pipefitters Local Union No. 295
743 North Beach Street
Daytona Beach, FL 32114
Phone: (386) 252-7429

E-mail: John.Fanelli@daytonastate.edu

E-Mail: info295jatc@cfl.rr.com 

Website: UA295