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Assessment Services

Assessment Services provides information, registration and administration of a wide range of tests, as well as the Assessment of Prior Learning Experience (APLE) program. Students can register for and take the following assessments at Daytona State College:

  • Daytona State placement tests - P.E.R.T., ACCUPLACER (CPT), TABE, CASAS
  • Daytona State entrance exams - CJBAT, TEAS
  • APLE (Assessment of Prior Learning Experience) exams
  • CLEP (College Level Exam Program) exams
  • FCAT (Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test) make-up exams
  • GED® (General Education Development) exam

All placement test score results, and test scores used for exemption to the placement test, are valid for 2 years. There is an exception for Adult Education placement testing.

New Student Assessment

Per Florida state rule 6A-10.0315, a degree-seeking student who entered 9th grade in a Florida public school in the 2003-2004 school year, or any year thereafter, and earned a Florida standard high school diploma or a student who is serving as an active duty member of any branch of the U.S. Armed Services shall not be required to take the common placement test and shall not be required to enroll in developmental education. Students who entered the 9th grade in a Florida public school prior to the 2003-2004 school year or did not attend a Florida public high school must take the Florida Post-Secondary Education Test (P.E.R.T.) or submit SAT, ACT, Accuplacer, or FCAT scores that exempt them from the college preparatory program or they must submit college transcripts that show the completion of Freshman English I or Intermediate Algebra.

New students admitted to a degree or certificate program who are not eligible for the above rule may be required to take a placement test unless they meet one of the exemptions listed below. The results will help with your placement into appropriate courses to ensure your academic success. Placement instruments are not used for admission to the college; although, they may be used as a guide for admission to certain limited access programs.

There are two assessment instruments approved for general admission to the college. The Postsecondary Education Readiness Test (P.E.R.T.), and the Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE). Each measures reading, math and language skills. The placement test for degree programs (AA, AS and BAS) and business or computer related college credit certificates is the P.E.R.T.

The placement test for Career and Technical Education (CTE) certificate programs and Office Support is the TABE. All placement tests and tests used for exemption to the placement tests are valid for two years.

Exemptions to the Placement Tests

Postsecondary Education Readiness (P.E.R.T.) - You are not required to take the related portions of the test if the following conditions are met:

  • SAT scores of 440 or above on critical reading or 440 or above on math for placement into Intermediate Algebra (MAT1033), or 500 or above on math for placement into College Algebra (MAC1105)
  • ACT scores of 19 or above on the reading or 17 or above on English or 19 or above on math for placement into Intermediate Algebra (MAT1033), or 21 or above on math for placement into College Algebra (MAC1105)
  • Proof of successful completion of the equivalent of ENC 1101 (Introduction to Composition) or MAT 1033 (Intermediate Algebra) at another college
  • Accuplacer (CPT) scores of 83 or above on both the reading and language or for math 85 or above on arithmetic and 72 or above on the elementary algebra.
  • FCAT scores of 262 or above on Reading 2.0 or 375 or above on Math (Level 5).

Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE) - You are not required to take the related portions of the test if the following conditions are met:

  • SAT scores of 440 or above on critical reading, or 440 or above on math
  • ACT scores of 19 or above on the reading, or 17 or above on English or 19 or above on math
  • PERT scores of 106 or above on the reading, or 103or above on the writing, or 114 or above on the math.
  • Accuplacer (CPT) scores of 83 or above on the reading, or 83 or above on the sentence skills or 72 or above on the elementary algebra
  • FCAT scores of 262 or above on Reading 2.0 or 375 or above on Math (Level 5) You already have an Associate in Applied Science degree or higher.

For Career and Technical Education (CTE) certificate programs and Office Support, the School of Adult Education offers CTE preparatory instruction for the TABE exam for those students who have not met the basic exit-level test requirements.