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Medical Information Coder Biller (Limited Access Program), A.S. Certificate

Program Information

A.S. Certificate - Code 091200 - Catalog 2020/2021

Geraldine Rimstidt, Chair, 386-506-3823 Geraldine.Rimstidt@Daytonastate.edu

Maggie Muszka, Administrative Assistant, 386-506-3080, Magdolna.Muszka@Daytonastate.edu

Melissa Brown, Academic Advisor, 386-506-3052, Melissa.Brown@daytonastate.edu

Program Mission, Description, and Outcomes


The mission of the Medical Information Coder/Biller program at Daytona State College is to provide a quality program to educate students regarding the coding and billing in an outpatient setting.


This certificate program prepares students for entry-level employment as a medical coder/biller in ambulatory, physician office, and hospital outpatient settings. The Medical Information Coder/Biller is responsible for translating diagnostic and procedural narrative from the medical record into alphanumeric codes. Credits earned in this certificate program may be applied toward the AS degree in Health Information Technology. Graduates are eligible to take applicable credentialing examinations.  The Medical Information Coder Biller AS Certificate is fully embedded in the AS Degree Health Information Technology Program.


Graduates of the program will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate appropriate communication skills in verbal and written tasks in a health care office environment

  2. Accurately code and bill in an outpatient setting by analyzing medical data, including problem solving complex medical data scenarios with a high degree of accuracy.

  3. Identify and evaluate information in the electronic medical record by effectively navigating the system.

  4. Function as a valuable member of a quality healthcare team.

Financial Aid

This program is eligible for federal financial aid and state Bright Futures Scholarship Program.

Financing Options: All students are encouraged to apply for federal and state student financial assistance by completing the FAFSA at http://www.fafsa.gov. For more information on grant, loans and work program available please see the Office of Financial Aid webpage at http://www.daytonastate.edu/finaid. Students are also encouraged to apply for one of the many Daytona State College Foundation scholarships offered each semester. For more information see: http://daytonastate.edu/scholarships.

Approximate Additional Costs

Program Tuition and Fees*: $3,788

Access Fee: $42.92 ($1.16 per credit)

Assessment Fee: $34

Lab Fees (including liability insurance): $125

Textbook Estimate: $500

FDLE/FBI Background Screening: $90

*In-state tuition only; out-of-state tuition will be higher.

Additional Admission Requirements

  • This is a limited access program.  

  • Admissions into the program will be contingent on the satisfactory completion of both a drug screen and a background check consisting of a fingerprint check of state and federal criminal history information conducted through the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

  • Students must have a standard high school diploma (or GED) and be at least 18 years of age to enroll.

  • Completion of the following course with a grade of 'C' or better is required for continuing enrollment approval: HSC1531 (Medical Terminology).

  • A physical examination is required prior to entering the clinical setting.

Additional Completion Requirements

  • This is a limited access program. Continuing enrollment approval will be required to enroll in the program specific courses based on a selection process after completing the General Education classes required.

  • Submit completed application for continuing enrollment to the School of Health Careers. Applications are accepted anytime during the year. Selections are made once per year. Applicants with cumulative GPA's of 2.5 or higher and successful completion of all prerequisite and corequisite courses will be considered more favorably.

  • To be eligible for continuing enrollment, the student must qualify for ENC1101 (Introduction to Composition). The student must show successful completion of MAT0028C (Elementary Algebra and Lab). This eligibility can be met through assessment results or course work. Applicants that graduated from a Florida public high school after the year 2003 and earned a Standard High School diploma are not required to take the placement test. Those applicants that have successfully completed college level English and/or Math may be exempt from placement testing. All other applicants are required to take the Postsecondary Education Readiness Test (PERT) and be at the 10th grade level for reading, language and arithmetic.

  • All courses must be completed with a 'C' or better. Program specific courses must have been completed within one year and evaluated by the assistant chair. All other substitutions must be approved by the Assistant Chair.

  • Students will be held accountable for the policies and procedures of the Medical Information Coder/Biller program as outlined in the Health Information Technology and Coder/Biller student handbook, as well as the College Student handbook.


The following information is required by federal regulations to be provided to students for all vocational and certificate programs. Additional information on any career, job, or salary potential can be found at http://www.onetonline.org.  For additional career information, please see: http://www.onetonline.org/link/summary/29-2071.00.

Program Length: The typical length of this program is three (3) semesters (45 weeks) for a full-time student. The Florida Education and Training Placement Information Program (FETPIP) lists the placement rate (2016-17) for this field at 82%.

Job titles for this certificate are Medical Coder and Medical Biller.

Note: Need help preparing for your job search? Login to Daytona State's Career Services Online (CSO) to create your personal career account, or email your Daytona State College Career Advisor.

General Education Courses

General Education Core - 6 Credits

Communication Core (3 credits)

ENC1101Introduction to Composition


Natural Sciences Core (3 credits)

BSC1020Human Biology


Note: Prior to enrollment in college-level English or math courses, some students may be advised to complete college preparatory/developmental course work. See an Academic Advisor to determine developmental course requirements.

Program Specific Courses

Program Specific Courses require a "C" or better.

HSC1531Medical Terminology


HIM1000CIntroduction to Health Information Management and Lab


HIM1222CBeginning ICD-10-CM Coding and Lab


HIM1273Billing and Reimbursement Methods


HIM2012Legal Aspects of Health Records


HIM2253CBeginning CPT Coding and Lab


HIM2283CAdvanced CPT Coding and Lab


HIM2430Concepts of Diseases


HIM2442Pharmacology and Lab


HIM2400Health Records in Alternate Settings


HIM2652Electronic Health Record


HIM2800Coding Professional Practice Experience I


Sample Program of Study

Prerequisite Course

HSC1531Medical Terminology


1st Semester

ENC1101Introduction to Composition


BSC1020Human Biology


HIM1000CIntroduction to Health Information Management and Lab


HIM1222CBeginning ICD-10-CM Coding and Lab


HIM2430Concepts of Diseases


2nd Semester

HIM2442Pharmacology and Lab


HIM2253CBeginning CPT Coding and Lab


HIM1273Billing and Reimbursement Methods


3rd Semester

HIM2652Electronic Health Record


HIM2283CAdvanced CPT Coding and Lab


HIM2012Legal Aspects of Health Records


HIM2400Health Records in Alternate Settings


HIM2800Coding Professional Practice Experience I


Note: Sequence of courses may vary. Check catalog course descriptions for requisite requirements.

Total: 37