Program Information
A.S. Degree - Code 223400 - Catalog 2020/2021
Anindya Paul, Department Chair, 386-506-4155,
Luke Sui, Assistant Chair, 386-506-4124,
Tammy Fritz, Senior Staff Assistant, 386-506-4154,
Program Mission, Description, and Outcomes
The Database Technology Associate of Science degree program at Daytona State College (DSC) prepares students for employment in the database development industry starting from database design, database management, database tuning, database development, reporting and recovery.
This degree teaches students how to design, develop and maintain databases, craft business intelligence solutions, execute queries upon request and present information through reports and visualization.
Graduates of the program will be able to:
Discuss fundamental database concept.
Apply conceptual design principles.
Create database design.
Define data definition language.
Apply Data Manipulation Language SQL (Structured Query Language) to extract data as required.
Create, maintain, and delete sequences, indexes and synonyms and other schema objects.
Demonstrate the ability to query the database and optimize information retrieval.
Prepare and present information through reports and visualization tool.
Financial Aid
This program is eligible for federal financial aid and state Bright Futures Scholarship Program.
Financing Options: All students are encouraged to apply for federal and state student financial assistance by completing their FAFSA at For more information on grants, loads and work programs available see the Office of Financial Aid webpage at Students are also encouraged to apply for one of the may Daytona State College Foundation scholarships offered each semester. For more information see:
Approximate Additional Costs
Program Tuition and Fees*: $6,143
Access Fee: $67.20 ($1.12 per credit)
Assessment Fee: $34
Lab Fees: $10
Textbook Estimate: Consult college bookstore for approximate costs of textbooks.
*In-state tuition only; out-of-state tuition will be higher.
General Education Courses
General Education Core - 15 Credits
Communication Core (6 Credits)
ENC1101 | Introduction to Composition | 3 |
SPC2608 | Oral Communications/Research/Presentation Skills | 3 |
Mathematics Core (3 Credits)
Social Sciences Core (3 Credits)
Choose One Course
Humanities Core (3 Credits)
Choose One Course
Note: Prior to enrollment in college-level English or math courses, some students may be advised to complete college preparatory/developmental course work. See an Academic Advisor to determine developmental course requirements.
Program Specific Courses
CET1600 | Network Plus | 3 |
CTS2361 | SharePoint Users | 3 |
COP1000 | Principles of Computer Programming | 3 |
CTS2308 | Installing and Configuring Windows Workstation OS | 3 |
COP2700 | Introduction to Database Management | 3 |
CIS2350 | Principles of Information Assurance | 3 |
CTS2353 | Networking with Windows Server | 3 |
COP2071 | Querying Database | 3 |
CTS2375 | Essentials of Cloud Computing | 3 |
CTS2441 | Database Administration | 3 |
COP2072 | Reporting Services | 3 |
| Computer Elective | 3 |
CTS2450 | Business Intelligence | 3 |
CAP2741 | Data Visualization | 4 |
COP2949 | Cooperative Educational Experience in Computer Programming | 1-4 |
COP2949 is a variable credit course (1-4 credits). The academic department has approved it for
2 credits in this program.
Computer Elective
Choose One Course:
CTS2321 | Linux Fundamentals | 3 |
CTS2370 | Virtualization Infrastructure: Installation and Configuration | 3 |
COP2800 | Computer Programming Java | 3 |
COP2360 | C# Programming | 3 |
Sample Program of Study
Year 1
1st Semester
ENC1101 | Introduction to Composition | 3 |
COP1000 | Principles of Computer Programming | 3 |
CET1600 | Network Plus | 3 |
CTS2361 | SharePoint Users | 3 |
CTS2308 | Installing and Configuring Windows Workstation OS | 3 |
Successful completers of
CET1600 are eligible to take the test to become a Network Plus Professional.
2nd Semester
COP2700 | Introduction to Database Management | 3 |
CIS2350 | Principles of Information Assurance | 3 |
CTS2353 | Networking with Windows Server | 3 |
| | |
MAC1105 | College Algebra | 3 |
| OR | |
MGF2106 | Survey in Mathematics | 3 |
| | |
| Social Sciences Core | 3 |
Summer Semester
Year 2
1st Semester
COP2071 | Querying Database | 3 |
CTS2375 | Essentials of Cloud Computing | 3 |
CTS2441 | Database Administration | 3 |
SPC2608 | Oral Communications/Research/Presentation Skills | 3 |
2nd Semester
COP2072 | Reporting Services | 3 |
| Computer Elective | 3 |
CTS2450 | Business Intelligence | 3 |
CAP2741 | Data Visualization | 4 |
COP2949 | Cooperative Educational Experience in Computer Programming | 1-4 |
COP2949 is a variable credit course (1-4 credits). The academic department has approved it for 2 credits in this program.
Note: Sequence of courses may vary. Check catalog course descriptions for requisite requirements.
Total Credit Hours: 60