Program Information
BS Degree - Code 622700 - Catalog 2020/2021
Amy Ringue, Chair, Education, 386-506-3186,
Alycia Ehlert, AVP, College of Arts & Sciences, 386-506-3769,
Program Mission, Description, and Outcomes
The Bachelor of Science in Secondary Earth/Space Science Education will provide instructional programs that will produce highly qualified, State certified teachers ready for entry in a 6-12 environment. The fundamentals of the program embrace diversity, promote ethics in education, focus on student excellence and enhance teaching and learning through innovative instructional practices.
This State of Florida approved program fulfills the education courses, professional education competencies, and practical experience required to obtain a five-year Professional Educator's Certificate in Earth/Space Science Education.
Graduates of the program will be able to:
Demonstrate mastery of the Florida Educator Accomplished Practices (FEAP) and Professional Education Competencies (PEC).
Demonstrate mastery of Reading Competencies 1-2.
Demonstrate mastery of the Subject Area Competencies (SAC) and Skills for Teacher Certification in Earth/Space Science Education 6-12.
Attain additional Uniform Core Curriculum content.
Financial Aid
This program is eligible for federal financial aid and state Bright Futures Scholarship Program.
Financing Options: All students are encouraged to apply for federal and state student financial assistance by completing their FAFSA at For more information on grants, loans and work programs available see the Office of Financial Aid webpage at Students are also encouraged to apply for one of the many Daytona State College Foundation scholarships offered each semester. For more information see:
Additional Admission Requirements
Conferred Associate of Arts degree from a regionally accredited institution.
Cumulative GPA of 2.5 in all higher education classes.
Satisfactory completion of the General Knowledge (GK) Test portion of the Florida Teacher Certification Examination. Please contact the School of Education at (386) 506-4374 for additional test preparation resources. Click here for more information or to register for the exam.
Volusia County Schools Volunteer clearance:
Complete the Volunteer Online Application on the VCS Volunteer/Partnership Program's website at: Volusia County Schools Volunteer
All students who are going to complete their field hours must complete the volunteer application by visiting the district website (access it through any computer or other electronic device) or to complete an application at the Raptor Kiosk (if available at the Volusia school site). Just click on the URL of choice and complete the application. On the third page of the online application, be sure to check the following:
In the 'Affiliations' column, the box marked 'other' and type in 'DSC Junior Intern'
In the 'Organizations' column, the box marked 'Daytona State College'
Once submitted, the online application will be re-directed to the VIPS Department for approval. The application will stay on a "hold" queue until the volunteer applicant has visited the Volusia County school of choice and has scanned an ID into the visitor module. Provided that the applicant clears the sexual predator/offender database performed by the Raptor System, then, the application will be approved and an email will be generated by the system that will inform the applicant of their volunteer status.
For questions, please contact Ashorda Foley (386-255-7190 x 38379).
For a list of disqualifying offenses view Florida Statute 1012.315. The offenses may prevent program completion and future employment in the field of education.
Bachelor of Science in Education Program application.
Grade of "C" or higher in the following pre-requisite classes: EDF1005, EEX2010, MAC2311C (4 credits), OCE1001, GLY2010C (4 credits) and one of the following combinations: BSC1010C and BSC1011C, or CHM1045C and CHM1046C, or PHY2048C and PHY2049C.
Once accepted, students must enroll in and complete a mandatory orientation class (SLS3355L) in their first semester of enrollment.
Students who have not taken two years of the same foreign language in high school, will need to complete two semesters or 8 credit hours of the same foreign language at the college level to meet the state foreign language requirement to graduate.
Students must also complete the State mandated 36 hours of general education core prior to graduation: Communications - 9 hrs; Mathematics - 6 hrs; Natural Sciences - 6 hrs; Humanities - 6 hrs; Social Sciences - 6 hrs; and Cultural/Global Focus - 3hrs. Please see the General Education requirements for Associates of Arts Degree.
Students enrolled in the A.A. degree program prior to the 2017-18 catalog year can complete the common Education prerequisites of EDF1005, EDF2085, and EME2040 with a grade of "C" or higher.
Program Credit Requirements
AA Degree Program of Study |
60.00 |
BSED Program Core Credits |
60.00 |
... |
120.00 |
Note: Prior to enrollment in college-level English or math courses, some students may be advised to complete college preparatory/developmental course work. See an Academic Advisor to determine developmental course requirements.
Program Specific Courses
SLS3355L | Orientation to Education Programs Lab | 0 |
TSL3080 | ESOL Issues and Strategies I | 3 |
EDG4323 | Professional Teaching Practices | 3 |
EDF4430 | Classroom Assessment | 3 |
EDF3214 | Child/Adolescent Development and Learning | 3 |
PCB3034C | General Ecology and Lab | 4 |
MET2010 | Meteorology | 3 |
BOT1010C | General Botany and Lab | 4 |
OCE3014C | Oceanography: Coastal Ocean Studies in Biogeochemistry and Lab | 4 |
EME3434 | Integrating Technology into Math and Science | 3 |
RED3012 | Principles of Reading | 3 |
EDF4603 | Critical Issues in Classroom Management, Ethics, Law and Safety | 3 |
GLY2100 | Historical Geology | 3 |
SMT4301 | Classroom Interaction in Math and Science Teaching | 3 |
BOT3151 | Flora of Central Florida | 3 |
EEX4242 | Teaching Exceptional Students in Secondary Schools | 3 |
EDF4943 | Student Internship | 9 |
ESE4945 | Internship Seminar | 3 |
Total: 60
Sample Program of Study
The first two years are only recommendations for entry into program
The courses listed in the first two years of the Sample Program of Study are recommendations. The Bachelor of Science in Earth/Space Science Education is a 2+2 program and full admittance into the program will be granted upon completion of all prerequisite courses and additional admission requirements.
Year 1
1st Semester
ENC1101 | Introduction to Composition | 3 |
BSC1010C | General Biology I (For Science Majors) and Lab | 4 |
STA2023 | Elementary Statistics | 3 |
EDF1005 | Introduction to the Teaching Profession | 3 |
SLS1122 | Managing Your Success | 3 |
BSC1010C, EDF1005: This course (and any corresponding lab) is a prerequisite for admission into the program. All prerequisite courses require a grade of "C" or higher.
2nd Semester
ENC1102 | Writing with Research | 3 |
BSC1011C | General Biology II (For Science Majors) and Lab | 4 |
LIT2110 | Masterpieces of World Literature I | 3 |
EEX2010 | Introduction to Special Education | 3 |
OCE1001 | Introduction to Oceanography | 3 |
EEX2010, OCE1001: This course (and any corresponding lab) is a prerequisite for admission into the program. All prerequisite courses require a grade of "C" or higher.
Year 2
1st Semester
MAC2311C | Calculus I and Lab | 4 |
SPC2608 | Oral Communications/Research/Presentation Skills | 3 |
CHM1045C | General College Chemistry I and Lab | 4 |
GEO2000 | World Geography | 3 |
CHM1045C: This course is not a requirement for admission into the Secondary Earth/Space Science program; however, this class and the corresponding lab are prerequisites to the Bachelor's level course OCE3014. This class qualifies for one of the science combinations that can be used for admission into the Earth/Space Science program.
MAC2311C: This course (and any corresponding lab) is a prerequisite for admission into the program. All prerequisite courses require a grade of "C" or higher.
Choose One of the Following:
2nd Semester
GLY2010C, EDF2085: This course (and any corresponding lab) is a prerequisite for admission into the program. All prerequisite courses require a grade of "C" or higher.
Apply for Admission to the BS Program
After completion of the first two years and receipt of AA degree, students must apply for admission into the Bachelor of Science in Earth/Space Science Education program and complete additional admission requirements. Additionally, students must earn a "C" or higher in all BS program courses and must maintain an overall GPA of 2.5 or higher throughout the duration of the program.
Year 3
Select courses may not be offered in every semester. It is strongly recommended that students meet with an advisor within the School of Education to ensure appropriate scheduling of classes to stay on track toward graduation.
1st Semester
SLS3355L | Orientation to Education Programs Lab | 0 |
TSL3080 | ESOL Issues and Strategies I | 3 |
EDG4323 | Professional Teaching Practices | 3 |
EDF4430 | Classroom Assessment | 3 |
EDF3214 | Child/Adolescent Development and Learning | 3 |
PCB3034C | General Ecology and Lab | 4 |
2nd Semester
MET2010 | Meteorology | 3 |
BOT1010C | General Botany and Lab | 4 |
EME3434 | Integrating Technology into Math and Science | 3 |
OCE3014C | Oceanography: Coastal Ocean Studies in Biogeochemistry and Lab | 4 |
EDF4603 | Critical Issues in Classroom Management, Ethics, Law and Safety | 3 |
Year 4
1st Semester
RED3012 | Principles of Reading | 3 |
GLY2100 | Historical Geology | 3 |
SMT4301 | Classroom Interaction in Math and Science Teaching | 3 |
BOT3151 | Flora of Central Florida | 3 |
EEX4242 | Teaching Exceptional Students in Secondary Schools | 3 |
2nd Semester
EDF4943 and ESE4945: In order to be eligible for enrollment in Senior Internship courses, students are required to complete all program courses in addition to passing the Professional Education Test (PEd) and the Subject Area Exam (SAE) aligned to program major. If tests are not passed by scheduled internship date, or if a student willingly postpones scheduled internship, successful completion of a Senior Internship Extension Plan (SIEP) will be required to enroll in Senior Internship for the subsequent semester. The SIEP will be approved by School of Education and will be designed to support students with a timeline and resources to pass the required FTCE exams or to address specific student needs. All requirements (program course completion, internship completion, and passing of FTCE exams) must be met in order to complete and graduate from an education program. Depending upon the county of internship, students may need to be fingerprinted with a Level 2 background check, and/or may also need to complete a drug screening.
Note: Sequence of courses may vary. Check catalog course descriptions for requisite requirements.