Aquatic/Fitness Center

The Daytona State College L. Gale Lemerand Health, Wellness and Community Education Center is one of the finest, most comprehensive recreation and community education facilities in Florida.

The Fitness Center, housed in the Lemerand Center, is located on the Daytona State Campus in building 310. The 5,500 square-foot Fitness Center is completely equipped with state-of-the-art weight training and aerobic equipment. The Daytona State College Aquatic Center, also located in the L. Gale Lemerand Center (bldg. 310) features a 25-yard X 25-meter indoor competitive pool, heated to a comfortable 82 degrees. The facility is humidity and climate controlled to ensure a pleasant environment both in and out of the water year-round. There is a 4 foot shallow area and a 12.5 foot deep end.