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Enrollment Process Checklist

Submit an Admission Application - You can apply online (DaytonaState.edu/apply) or in person at any campus. Continuing Daytona State students are still required to submit a new application for all bachelor’s programs in order to change levels. 

  BSED students should submit General Knowledge Test scores and evidence of Volusia County volunteer clearance to the Admissions office.

  BSN students should submit proof of an active unencumbered Registered Nursing license and two professional letters of recommendation to the Admissions office.

Submit Final, Official Transcripts - Submit final, official high school or GED® transcript, including a graduation date. Students who graduated from a home school program are required to submit a home school verification. Students who are home schooled outside of Florida must submit proof they met the graduation requirements of their State. Submit final, official transcripts from all colleges or universities you have attended. An official transcript is one that arrives in a sealed envelope. Electronic transcripts may be accepted if they are sent directly from the issuing institution. If you graduated high school or have attended college in another country, please download the information sheet, Evaluating Credentials from Outside the U.S., and follow the instructions. Contact Admissions for more information about your transcript requirements. Please DO NOT submit your original international documents to the college. (Adult Education students do not need to submit transcripts.)

Complete a Financial Aid Application - Apply for financial aid as soon as possible. Financial aid is available to qualified students enrolled in an eligible program to assist in meeting educational expenses. Applicants should complete the FAFSA at   https://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsato determine eligibility. Daytona State's school code is 001475. Processing time is 4-6 weeks. Additional information about Financial Aid or Daytona State College scholarships is available from the Office of Financial Aid Services. (Adult Education students are not eligible for financial aid.)

Complete Placement Requirements – Students who are not exempt should fulfill their placement requirements by taking the P.E.R.T. for associate degree and AS certificate programs and TABE for vocational certificate programs. If you have previous coursework or have taken the SAT/ACT/CPT/AP, please submit official copies to the Admissions Office and bring an unofficial copy with you to Academic Advising. Adult Education students should take the CASAS.

Complete Online Orientation – Log in to the student portal (My.DaytonaState.edu) using your College username and password.  Click on the Orientation link within the Holds section of your portal. Complete orientation before attending your New Student Advising session. (Adult Education students are not required to complete this orientation.)

Meet with an Academic Advisor - Talk with an academic advisor to interpret your placement test scores, choose classes and to discuss program requirements for completion and graduation. Have copies of your college/university transcripts available. Students must meet with an advisor prior to registering for the first time. Group New Student Advising sessions can be scheduled at www.daytonastate.edu/advising. Students are also encouraged to register with Career Services at this time. (Adult Education students are not required to complete academic advising.)

Register for Classes - Log in to the student portal (My.DaytonaState.edu) using your College username and password. Look for the graduation cap icon and select “enroll by my requirements.” Help guides with step-by-step instructions are available at www.daytonastate.edu/help.

  Once admitted to the program, BSED students should register for SLS 3355: Orientation to BS in Education Programs, along with their other classes. SLS 3355 is a four-hour session that takes place prior to the beginning of the semester and must be completed to continue with the program.

  Adult Education students will be registered by Falcon Center Registration staff on any campus after receiving their placement results.

Pay for Classes - Pay for your classes either in person at the Office of Student Accounts or online. REMEMBER - you are not officially registered until you have paid in full. Online payments may be made by logging in to the student portal (My.DaytonaState.edu) using your College username and password. Select "Financials" from the menu bar and then select "What I Owe." You can click/expand the Term row to see the due date.

Obtain Your Student I.D., Parking Decal and Books - Get your student ID card and parking decal at the Question and Answer Center on the Daytona Beach Campus or the Falcon Center on a regional campus. You can also get your books in person or online at https://www.daytonastate.edu/student-resources/bookstore/index.html