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Network Server Administration, A.S. Certificate

Program Information

A.S. Certificate - Code 090400 - Catalog 2022/2023

Anindya Paul, Chair, 386-506-4155, Anindya.Paul@daytonastate.edu

Timothy Pintello, Assistant Chair, 386-506-4126, Timothy.Pintello@daytonastate.edu

Tammy Fritz, Senior Staff Assistant, 386-506-4154, Tammy.Fritz@daytonastate.edu

Program Mission, Description, and Outcomes


The certificate program prepares the student to plan, install, configure, troubleshoot and monitor computer networks. Students will also be able to understand, plan, manage and implement security in a networked environment. This program incorporates innovative teaching methods, uses the latest technology, thus encouraging student success.


The certificate program in Network Server Administration prepares the students to plan, install, configure, and monitor computer networks in a LAN/WAN environment. Students will have a good background in networking fundamentals and capable of maintaining and supporting a small network. Program courses transfer directly into Associate of Science Network Systems Technology and other Associate degree programs including Computer Information Technology, Computer Engineering Technology and Electronics Engineering Technology.


Graduates of the program will be able to:

  1. Design, create, and test a network environment.

  2. Present how data communications protocols and devices interact with each other.

  3. Plan and perform internetworking administration, management, and other activities.

  4. Plan and perform troubleshooting and maintenance on network hardware and software.

Financial Aid

This program is eligible for federal financial aid and state Bright Futures Scholarship Program.

Financing Options: All students are encouraged to apply for federal and state student financial assistance by completing the FAFSA at studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa. For more information on grant, loans, and work program available please see the Office of Financial Aid webpage at daytonastate.edu/finaid. Students are also encouraged to apply for one of the many Daytona State College Foundation scholarships offered each semester. For more information see: daytonastate.edu/scholarships/.

Approximate Additional Costs

Program Tuition and Fees*:  $2,457  
 Access Fee: $27.84 ($1.16 per credit)
 Assessment Fee: $34
 Lab Fees: $10
 Textbook Estimate: Varies depending on new, used, renting, or e-books

*In-state tuition only; out-of-state tuition will be higher.

Additional Admission Requirements

  • Prior to enrollment in college-level English or math courses, some students may be advised to complete college preparatory/developmental course work. See an Academic Advisor to determine developmental course requirements.


The following information is required by federal regulations to be provided to students for all vocational and certificate programs. Additional information on the any career, job, or salary potential can be found at http://www.onetonline.org.  For additional career information, please see: 

11-3021.00 Computer and Information Systems Managers http://www.onetonline.org/link/summary/11-3021.00

15-1021.00 Computer Programmers http://www.onetonline.org/link/summary/15-1021.00

15-1041.00 Computer Support Specialists http://www.onetonline.org/link/summary/15-1041.00

Program Length: The typical length of this program is two (2) semesters (30 weeks) for a full-time student.  The Florida Education and Training Placement Information Program (FETPIP) lists the placement rate (2016-17) for this field at 91%.

For additional Information on wages, trends and career videos:


Note: It’s never too early to prepare for your career! Login to your Daytona State Career Services Student Job Board and create your personal account to submit your resume for review and search for jobs, and practice your interview skills with Big Interview. For questions, please email Career Services to connect with a Career Advisor.

Program Specific Courses

CTS2308Installing and Configuring Windows Workstation OS


CIS2350Principles of Information Assurance


CET1600Network Plus


CTS2358Identity with Windows Server


EGS1000Professional Performance for Technicians


CTS2353Networking with Windows Server



Computer Electives (6 credits)

Choose Two Courses

CTS2370Virtualization Infrastructure: Installation and Configuration


CET2660Fundamentals of Cybersecurity Analysis


CIS2381Foundations of Digital Forensics


CNT2402Certified Ethical Hacker


CTS2310Securing Windows Servers


CTS2321Linux Fundamentals



Sample Program of Study

1st Semester

CIS2350Principles of Information Assurance


EGS1000Professional Performance for Technicians


CTS2308Installing and Configuring Windows Workstation OS


CET1600Network Plus



2nd Semester

CTS2358Identity with Windows Server


CTS2353Networking with Windows Server


Computer Elective


Computer Elective


Note: Sequence of courses may vary. Check catalog course descriptions for requisite requirements.


Total: 24