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Early Childhood Education, Vocational Certificate

Program Information

Vocational Certificate - Code 121500 - Catalog 2022/2023

Dr. Catherine Twyman, Assistant Chair, 386-506-3113, Catherine.Twyman@Daytonastate.edu

Melissa Brown, Academic Advisor, 386-506-3052, Melissa.Brown@Daytonastate.edu

Maggie Muszka, Administrative Assistant, 386-506-3080, Magdolna.Muszka@Daytonastate.edu

Program Mission, Description, and Outcomes


We strive to improve the quality of care and education for young children through extensive classroom and on-the-job training.


The Early Childhood Education, vocational certificate program is designed to prepare graduates for employment as a volunteer prekindergarten (VPK) instructor during the school year. During the program's four courses students will study suitable guidance techniques, developmentally appropriate strategies and activities for young children ages infant to school-age, basic principles of child development, and professional and ethical practices pertaining to early childhood education. Students will also receive training pertaining to the VPK Standards, will learn how to administer the VPK Assessment and will be trained in the area of Instructional Implications based on the VPK assessment data. Students will have the opportunity to engage in hands-on activities to use with young children at a childcare center.

This program meets the Florida Department of Child and Families (DCF) training requirements for child care personnel/ preschool teachers. Students who complete the entire program and meet all requirements as outlined in the Requirement Checklist for Students can be awarded the Early Childhood Professional Certificate (ECPC). The ECPC is a preschool specialization issued by the Florida Department of Education (FDOE) and approved by the DCF as meeting the Staff Credential requirement. Per Section 402.305(3), F.S. licensed child care facilities must

have one credentialed staff member for every 20 children. The ECPC is also one of the acceptable minimum credentials for employment as a VPK instructor. Additional requirements and information can be found at http://www.floridaearlylearning.com/voluntary_pre_k.aspx. Additionally, the ECPC is aligned with the National Child Development Associate (CDA). Students who earn the ECPC may earn the National CDA, if they choose to by completing additional requirements and fee payment (http://www.cdacouncil.org).

GRADUATES: Graduates are prepared to work as head teachers of pre-school classes, or assistants/paraprofessionals in the public school system. You will learn to make lesson plans, supervise children and be responsible for a class. Graduates are awarded certificates from Daytona State College. Upon completion of the program, graduates can apply their credits (9 semester hours) toward an associate of science degree in Early Childhood Education.


Graduates of the program will be able to:

  1. Successfully plan and implement lessons with targeted populations of children, using developmentally appropriate curriculum techniques and materials.

  2. Demonstrate appropriate guidance techniques when dealing with targeted populations of children.

  3. Demonstrate knowledge and principles of child development.

  4. Demonstrate knowledge of professional and ethical practices pertaining to early childhood education.

Financial Aid

Financial aid eligibility for this program is pending.

Financing Options: All students are encouraged to apply for federal and state student financial assistance by visiting FAFSA at studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa. For more information on grants, loans and work programs available please visit the Office of Financial Aid webpage at daytonastate.edu/financial-aid/. Students are also encouraged to apply for one of the many Daytona State College Foundation scholarships offered each semester. For more information see: https://www.daytonastate.edu/scholarships/.

Approximate Additional Costs

Program Tuition and Fees*:  $1,644.80  
Access Fee:   $23.20 ($1.16 per credit)
Assessment Fee:   $34
DCF 45-hour Training Testing:   $120

*In-state tuition only; out-of-state tuition will be higher.

Additional Admission Requirements

  1. Potential students must be 17 years of age or older.

  2. High school diploma, certificate, or GED equivalency is required for admission into the program.

  3. High school transcripts required. GED grades report required when applicable.

Additional Completion Requirements

  • Before beginning the second semester, students must pass all competency exams in the DCF 45-hour training.

Florida Administrative Code 65C-22.003(2)(a) and 65C-22.008(4)(c) requires “successful completion of the 40 hour training as evidenced by passage of competency based examinations with a score of seventy (70) or better.” Students who pass the exams will be able to download official certificates and a transcript from the DCF web site http://www.myflfamilies.com/service-programs/child-care/competency-exams. Arrangements for student testing and teacher proctoring will be coordinated through the local Training Coordinating Agency. Therefore, it is mandatory for students to take the required exams at the appointed time and place, arranged by the classroom instructor and the training coordinating agency.


The following information is required by federal regulations to be provided to students for all vocational and certificate programs. Additional information on any career, job, or salary potential can be found at http://www.onetonline.org.  For additional career information, please see: 

25-2011.00 Preschool Teachers (Except Special Education) https://www.onetonline.org/link/summary/25-2011.00

39-9011.00 Childcare Workers https://www.onetonline.org/link/summary/39-9011.00

Program Length: The typical length of this program is two (2) semesters (30 weeks) for a full-time student.  The Florida Education and Training Placement Information Program (FETPIP) placement rate (2018-19) for this field is 90%.

CIP Code (6 digit) - 19.0709 Child Care Provider/Assistant.

Note: It’s never too early to prepare for your career! Login to your Daytona State Career Services Student Job Board and create your personal account to submit your resume for review and search for jobs, and practice your interview skills with Big Interview. For questions, please email Career Services to connect with a Career Advisor.

Program Specific Courses

HEV0870Child Care Worker 1


HEV0871Child Care Worker 2


HEV0872Teacher Aide (Preschool)


HEV0873Preschool Teacher


Note: The DCF 45-hour Introductory Child Care Training coursework is embedded in course HEV0870. The department will monitor passage of the DCF competency exams in courses HEV0870 and HEV0871. Students must pass all training competency exams before the start of the second semester.


Sample Program of Study

1st Semester

HEV0870Child Care Worker 1


HEV0871Child Care Worker 2


Note: The DCF 45-hour Introductory Child Care Training coursework is embedded in course HEV0870. The department will monitor passage of the DCF competency exams in courses HEV0870 and HEV0871. Students must pass all training competency exams before the start of the second semester.


2nd Semester

HEV0872Teacher Aide (Preschool)


HEV0873Preschool Teacher



Note: Sequence of courses may vary. Check catalog course descriptions for requisite requirements.