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Academic Support Center

College can be challenging, especially for first-time students. The Academic Support Center is here to help!  The ASC offers personal attention in an environment where students, faculty, and staff collaborate to ensure student success. The ASC offers the following educational support programs FREE to all currently registered DSC students:

Tutoring – ASC Learning Specialists and peer tutors provide help with content challenges, assignment decoding, study skills, and digital literacy. Tutoring is available in person or online. No appointment is necessary. For more information, go to https://library.daytonastate.edu/asc/tutoring. 

Supplemental Instruction – SI is a series of weekly review sessions for students taking historically difficult courses. Students who regularly participate in SI have consistently higher course grades than their peers who do not attend. For more information, visit https://library.daytonastate.edu/asc/supplemental-instruction.

Workshops and Review Sessions – The ASC offers a variety of workshops and review sessions both online and in-person. For more information, visit https://library.daytonastate.edu/asc/resources/workshops-reviews. 

Helpful Resources – The ASC offers a wide variety of resources for both students and faculty. For a complete listing, please visit https://library.daytonastate.edu/asc/resources
Physical Space – Study space, computer labs, mobile technology, and textbooks are available at the ASC.

If you have any questions, please join our live chat, call (386) 506-3620, email ASC@DaytonaState.edu, or stop into any ASC location. We’re looking forward to helping you succeed!