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Changing Your Plan of Study

Students admitted to Daytona State College for an Associate, Baccalaureate or Certificate plan of study may change their plan of study in accordance with the following rules:

  1. Students who wish to change their plan of study are encouraged to meet with an Academic Advisor and submit a Change of Major Request.
  2. A student must request a change of major prior to the published date on the academic calendar for that term.
  3. The deadline for major changes is the add/drop deadline for each term. Any requested plan of study change for a B semester will only be approved if the student is new to DSC and does not have any enrollment history with DSC,
  4. For DSC students with enrollment history, if the plan request is after the add drop deadline; the change of plan will take effect at the start of the next full term at Daytona State College.
  5. The change of plan must be completed prior to registering for classes for the upcoming term.
  6. A student may only have one active plan of study during any given term.
  7. A student must be declared in a program of study as of the first day of the term if the student wishes to graduate in that plan by the end of the said term.
  8. Changes to a plan of study for financial aid or VA benefit purposes will not be permitted on or after the first day of the current term.

Before making any changes to a plan of study, students are encouraged to speak to the Financial Aid Office to determine whether the new plan is eligible for financial aid.  Once that has been reviewed, students must meet with an academic advisor to request a change of major.