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Dental Hygiene (Limited Access Program), A.S. Degree

Program Information

A.S. Degree - Code 203600 - Catalog 2023/2024

Claire Peterson, Assistant Chair, 386-785-2068, Claire.Peterson@daytonastate.edu

Pamela Ridilla, Chairperson, 386-785-2093, Pamela.Ridilla@daytonastate.edu

Program Mission, Description, and Outcomes


The mission of the Dental Hygiene Program is the development of professional, ethical, and competent members of the oral health team who provide quality, patient-centered care to diverse population groups in a variety of health care settings. The Dental Hygiene Program is committed to excellence in teaching and learning, emphasizing student success.


Students are taught to remove deposits from tooth surfaces; provide methods of oral physiotherapy; obtain and analyze dental digital radiographic images; provide oral health education as well as acquire knowledge in methods of infection control practices. Dental hygienists are licensed professionals who, under the supervision of a licensed dentist, provide preventive, therapeutic, and educational services. During the last semester of this program, students are eligible to take the National Board Dental Hygiene Examination. Upon successfully passing the National Board Dental Hygiene Examination and graduating from the program, graduates are eligible to take state/regional licensure examinations.

Program Accreditation: The Dental Hygiene Program is accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation and has been granted the accreditation status of "approval without reporting requirements".  The Commission is a specialized accrediting body recognized by the United States Department of Education. The Commission on Dental Accreditation can be contacted at (312)440-4653 or at 211 East Chicago Avenue, Chicago, IL 60611. The Commission’s web address is http://www.ada.org/en/coda

College Accreditation: Daytona State College is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) to award associates and bachelor’s degrees. Degree-granting institutions also may offer credentials such as certificates and diplomas at approved degree levels. Questions about the accreditation of Daytona State College may be directed in writing to the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, GA 30033-4097, by calling (404) 679-4500, or by using information available on SACSCOC’s website (www.sacscoc.org).


Graduates of the program will be able to:

  1. Apply the dental hygiene process of care and problem solving strategies to provide dental hygiene care for patients of all age groups, medically compromised, and all types of periodontal disease classifications.

  2. Demonstrate interpersonal and communications skills to effectively interact with diverse population groups.

  3. Apply ethical, legal, and regulatory concepts to the provision and/or support of oral health care services.

  4. Apply self-assessment skills to prepare for life-long learning as a foundation for maintaining competency and quality assurance.

  5. Evaluate current scientific literature as a basis for life-long learning, evidence-based practice and as a foundation for adapting to changes in health care.

Financial Aid

This program is eligible for federal financial aid and state Bright Futures Scholarship Program.

Financing Options: All students are encouraged to apply for federal and state student financial assistance by completing the FAFSA at studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa. For more information on grant, loans, and work program available please see the Office of Financial Aid webpage at daytonastate.edu/finaid. Students are also encouraged to apply for one of the many Daytona State College Foundation scholarships offered each semester. For more information see: daytonastate.edu/scholarships/.

Approximate Additional Costs

Program Tuition and Fees*: $9,274  
 Access Fee: $102.08 ($1.16 per credit)
 Assessment Fee: $34
 Lab Fees (including liability insurance): $1,310
 Textbook Estimate: $2,611
 Uniforms and Supplies: $345
 Instrument Kits, Clinical Supplies, and Tooth Model: $3,000
 American Dental Hygienists' Association Student Membership: $160
 National Board Dental Hygiene Review Course: $450
 National Board Dental Hygiene Examination: $565
 Class Pin and Composite Picture: $145
 Florida Dental Hygiene Licensure Board Examination: $1,500
 Health Screening and Immunizations (depends on applicant's health care provider): $275
 Basic Life Support Certification: $50
 Florida Department of Law Enforcement/Federal Bureau of Investigation Background Check:  $90

*In-state tuition only; out-of-state tuition will be higher

Additional Admission Requirements

  • This is a Limited Access Program. Continuing enrollment approval will be required to enroll in the program specific courses based on a selections process after completing the required general education courses.

  • Applicants must have a standard high school diploma (or GED) and be at least 18 years of age to enroll.

  • Applicants who started high school in the 9th grade in 2003 or after at a Florida Public high school AND graduated from a Florida Public high school with a standard high school diploma are exempt from any placement testing.  Active duty military applicants are also exempt from any placement testing.  Those applicants who have successfully completed college level English and/or Math may be exempt as well.  All other applicants will be required to take the Postsecondary Education Readiness Test (PERT) and be at a 10th grade level for reading, language and arithmetic.  Contact an Academic Advisor for assistance.

  • Completion of health screening to include: recent physical examination and verification of immunization against tetanus-diphtheria, measles, mumps, rubella and Hepatitis B; and a negative PPD test (or chest x-ray if indicated) for tuberculosis are required prior to the start of Fall semester program specific courses.

  • Basic Life Support (BLS) certification for the Health Care Provider to include adults, infant, children, and automatic external defibrillator (AED); through the American Heart Association or the American Red Cross is required prior to the start of Fall semester program specific courses.

  • Admission into the program will be contingent on the satisfactory completion of both a drug screen and background check consisting of a fingerprint check of state and federal criminal history information conducted through the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). This must be completed prior to the first day of program specific courses (Summer Semester B). 

  • Program prerequisite, general education and dental hygiene courses must be completed with a grade of "C" or better.

  • Students will be held accountable for the policy and procedures of the Dental Hygiene Program as outlined in the Dental Hygiene Student Policy Handbook as well as the College Student Handbook.

Additional Completion Requirements

  • Submit completed School of Dental Science application for continuing enrollment to the Academic Advisor in the College of Health and Public Services only during the month of February.

  • Student selection for continuing enrollment is based on specific admission criteria and a points system.  Selection is made once per year.  The Program starts annually in July.

  • Combined cumulative grade point average of 2.5 or better is required to submit an application for continuing enrollment.

  • Completion of the following courses with a grade of "C" or better is required before submitting an application for continuing enrollment: ENC1101 Introduction to Composition; MGF2106 Survey in Mathematics (MAC1105 College Algebra or STA2023 Elementary Statistics also accepted); BSC1085C Human Anatomy and Physiology I and Lab; BSC1086C Human Anatomy and Physiology II and Lab; and CHM1025C Introduction to Chemistry and Lab.

  • Completion of the Test of Essential Academic Skills (ATI TEAS) with minimum scores of Composite score of 65% is required before submitting an application for continuing enrollment.  Tests may not be combined to show minimum score achievement.  The scores must be achieved in each category on the same test attempt.  Applicants may test a total of four (4) times within a calendar year (Jan-Dec). Only TEAS scores taken at DSC or a Florida public institution of higher education, or proctored online by ATI will be accepted. TEAS scores are good for three (3) years from test date.  Approximately cost of the TEAS Test is $115.00.

  • Completion of a minimum of eight (8) observation hours of a dental hygienist in a general dentistry or periodontal practice is in which you are not currently employer is required before submitting an application for continuing enrollment.

  • Effective Fall 2022: SPC2608 will no longer be a required course in the curriculum. Students will be required to take a Civic Literacy course, either AMH2020 or POS2041. Students must fulfill the civic literacy competency requirement to graduate from the Program.

  • Applicants for continuing enrollment who have graduated within a two-year time frame from an accredited (Commission on Dental Accreditation) dental assisting program may receive credit for DES1100C Elements of Dental Materials and Lab. Transfer of credit for this course will be at the discretion of the Chairperson.

General Education Courses

General Education Core - 33 Credits

Communication Core (3 credits)

ENC1101Introduction to Composition



Mathematics Core (3 credits)

MGF2106Survey in Mathematics



Natural Sciences Core (15 credits)

BSC1085CHuman Anatomy and Physiology I and Lab


BSC1086CHuman Anatomy & Physiology II and Lab


CHM1025CIntroduction to Chemistry and Lab


HUN1201Human Nutrition



Social Sciences Core (9 credits)

PSY1012General Psychology


SYG2000Introduction to Sociology


Choose One of the Following:

AMH2020United States History 1865 to Present


POS2041American Federal Government


AMH2020, POS2041: These course satisfy the Civic Literacy Competency graduation requirement. 


Humanities Core (3 credits)

Choose One Course

ARH1000Art Appreciation


HUM2020Introduction to Humanities


LIT2000Literature and Culture


MUL1010Music Appreciation


PHI2010Introduction of Philosophy


THE1000Theatre Appreciation



Additional Required Course - 4 Credits

MCB1010CMicrobiology and Lab


Note: Prior to enrollment in college-level English or math courses, some students may be advised to complete college preparatory/developmental course work. See an Academic Advisor to determine developmental course requirements.


Program Specific Courses

DEH1002CPreclinical Dental Hygiene and Lab


DEH1133Orofacial Anatomy and Physiology




DEH1800Clinical Dental Hygiene I


DEH1800LDental Hygiene Clinic I


DEH1802Clinical Dental Hygiene II


DEH1802LDental Hygiene Clinic II




DEH2400General and Oral Pathology


DEH2702CCommunity Dental Health and Lab


DEH2804Clinical Dental Hygiene III


DEH2804LDental Hygiene Clinic III


DEH2806Clinical Dental Hygiene IV


DEH2806LDental Hygiene Clinic IV


DES1010Head and Neck Anatomy


DES1054Pain Control and Anesthesia


DES1100CElements of Dental Materials and Lab


DES1200CDental Radiography and Lab


DES1832LExpanded Functions for the Dental Hygienist


DES1840Preventive Dentistry


DES2600Medical and Dental Emergencies


DEH1602 meets the graduation requirement for the basic use of computers for this program.


Sample Program of Study

Prerequisite Courses

BSC1085CHuman Anatomy and Physiology I and Lab


BSC1086CHuman Anatomy & Physiology II and Lab


CHM1025CIntroduction to Chemistry and Lab


ENC1101Introduction to Composition


MGF2106Survey in Mathematics



Year 1

Summer Semester (Term B - Six Weeks)

DEH1133Orofacial Anatomy and Physiology



Fall Semester

MCB1010CMicrobiology and Lab


DEH1002CPreclinical Dental Hygiene and Lab


DES1010Head and Neck Anatomy


DES1200CDental Radiography and Lab


DES1840Preventive Dentistry



Spring Semester

HUN1201Human Nutrition




DEH1800Clinical Dental Hygiene I


DEH1800LDental Hygiene Clinic I


DES1054Pain Control and Anesthesia


DES1832LExpanded Functions for the Dental Hygienist


DEH1602 meets the graduation requirement for the basic use of computers for this program.


Summer Semester (Term A - Six Weeks)

DEH1802Clinical Dental Hygiene II


DEH1802LDental Hygiene Clinic II


DES1100CElements of Dental Materials and Lab



Summer Semester (Term B - Six Weeks)

Social Sciences Core - Civic Literacy (AMH2020 or POS2041)



Year 2

Fall Semester

SYG2000Introduction to Sociology




DEH2400General and Oral Pathology


DEH2804Clinical Dental Hygiene III


DEH2804LDental Hygiene Clinic III


DES2600Medical and Dental Emergencies



Spring Semester

PSY1012General Psychology


Humanities Core


DEH2702CCommunity Dental Health and Lab


DEH2806Clinical Dental Hygiene IV


DEH2806LDental Hygiene Clinic IV


Humanities Core: See list of accepted courses listed under General Education Courses.

Note: Sequence of courses may vary. Check catalog course descriptions for requisite requirements.

Total: 88