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OTH2261C Occupational Therapy Skills and Techniques II and Lab

This course provides instruction enabling the OTA student to further develop skills which are demonstrated in various areas of the OT service delivery process, with emphasis on evaluation and intervention. Techniques for the provision of OT in health restoration, adaptation, prevention and/or promotion with persons, groups, and populations will be identified and practiced, promoting clinical reasoning. Students will practice implementation of selected types of interventions. Specific topics include activity analysis, development of an occupational profile, analysis of occupational performance, ADL training and equipment provision, low tech adapted equipment, functional mobility, education and training, treatment strategies in basic movement and exercises and groups. Service delivery models in traditional and emerging practice environments will be explored and the OTA student will participate in the development, marketing and management of service delivery options.



Enrollment Requirements

Prerequisite: OTH1114C; Corequisites: OTH1014C and OTH2300




Lab Fee: 4.00