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Course Descriptions
ACG - Accounting
ACR - Air Cond, Refrig and Heat
AER - Automotive Service
AFR - Military Science
AMH - History
AML - English Language and Lit
ANT - Anthropology
APA - Accounting
ARH - Art
ARR - Automotive Collision
ART - Art
ASL - Foreign Lang (Sign Lang)
AST - Astronomy
BCA - Build Construct Appren
BCH - Biochemistry
BCN - Building Construction
BCT - Building Construction
BCV - Build Construct Voc
BOT - Botany
BSC - Biological Science
BUL - Business Law
CAP - Computer Science
CCJ - Criminal Justice
CDA - Computer Science
CEN - Computer Science
CET - Computer Electronic Tech
CGS - Computer Science
CHD - Early Childhood Education
CHM - Chemistry
CIS - Computer Science
CJC - Criminal Justice
CJD - Criminal Justice
CJE - Criminal Justice
CJJ - Criminal Justice
CJK - Criminal Justice
CJL - Criminal Justice
CJT - Criminal Justice
CLP - Psychology
CNT - Computer Networking
COP - Computer Science
COS - Cosmetology
COT - Computing Theory
CPO - Political Science
CRW - English Language and Lit
CSP - Cosmetology
CTS - Computer Science
DAA - Dance
DAN - Dance
DEA - Dental Assisting
DEH - Dental Hygiene
DEP - Psychology
DES - Dental Sci Support
DIG - Digital Media
DIM - Automotive Mech (Diesel)
EAP - English for Academic Purposes
ECO - Economics
EDE - Education
EDF - Education
EDG - Education
EDP - Education
EEC - Early Childhood Education
EET - Electronic Engineer Tech
EEX - Education (Except Child)
EGN - Engineering
EGS - Engineering (Support)
EME - Education
EMS - Emergency Medical Services
ENC - English Language and Lit
ENG - English Language and Lit
ENL - English Language and Lit
EPI - Education
EXP - Psychology
ESE - Education
ETC - Engineering Tech (Civil)
ETD - Engineering Tech (Draft)
ETG - Engineering Tech (Gen)
ETI - Engineering Tech (Indust)
ETM - Engineering Tech (Mech)
ETP - Engineering Tech (Power)
ETS - Engineering Tech (Spec)
EUH - History
EVR - Environmental Studies
FFP - Fire Science
FIN - Finance
FOS - Culinary Mgmt (Food Serv)
FRE - Foreign Language (French)
FSS - Culinary Mgmt (Food Serv)
GEB - General Business
GEO - Geography
GER - Foreign Language (German)
GIS - Geography (Info Science)
GLY - Geology
GRA - Interactive Media
HCP - Nursing - Assistant
HEV - Child Care Apprentice
HFT - Hospitality Management
HHD - Interior Design
HIM - Health Information
HLP - Health and Wellness
HMV - Hospitality Mgmt (Voc)
HSC - Health Sciences
HUM - Humanities
HUN - Nutrition
HUS - Human Services
IDH - Interdisciplinary Honors
IDS - Interdisciplinary Studies
IND - Interior Design
INP - Psychology
INR - Political Science
ISM - Information Systems Mgmt
ITA - Foreign Language (Italian)
JOU - Mass Comm (Journalism)
LAE - Lang Arts and English Ed
LIN - English Language and Lit
LIS - Library and Info Studies
LIT - English Language and Lit
MAC - Mathematics
MAD - Mathematics
MAE - Mathematics Education
MAN - Management
MAP - Mathematics (Applied)
MAR - Marketing
MAS - Mathematics
MAT - Mathematics
MCB - Microbiology
MEA - Medical Assisting
MET - Meteorology
MGF - Mathematics
MHF - Mathematics
MKA - Marketing
MMC - Mass Communication
MNA - Management
MSL - Military Science
MSS - Massage Therapy
MTB - Mathematics
MTG - Mathematics
MUC - Music
MUH - Music History
MUL - Music
MUM - Music Production
MUN - Music
MUS - Music
MUT - Music Theory
MVB - Music
MVK - Music
MVO - Music
MVP - Music
MVS - Music
MVV - Music
MVW - Music
NUR - Nursing
OCB - Marine Biology
OCE - Oceanography
OST - Office Systems
OTH - Occupational Therapy
PCB - Biological Science
PET - Health and Wellness
PGY - Photography
PHI - Philosophy
PHT - Physical Therapist
PHY - Physics
PLA - Paralegal (Legal Assist)
PMT - Precision Metals
POS - Political Science
PPE - Psychology
PRN - Nursing - Practical
PSB - Psychology
PSC - Physical Sciences
PSY - Psychology
QMB - Quant Methods in Business
RED - Lang Arts and English Educ
REL - Religion
RET - Respiratory Care
RTE - Radiography
RTV - Mass Comm (Radio TV))
SBM - Management (Small Bus)
SCE - Science Education
SLS - Student Life Skills
SMT - Science and Mathematics Education
SOP - Psychology
SPC - Speech Communication
SPN - Foreign Language (Spanish)
SSE - Social Studies Education
STA - Statistics
STS - Surgical Tech Studies
SWS - Soil and Water Sciences
SYG - Sociology
TAX - Accounting
TDR - Technical Drafting
THE - Theatre Arts
TPA - Theatre Arts
TPP - Theatre Arts
TSL - Teaching Eng-Second Lang
WOH - History
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