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Tuition and Fee Information

Refer to the Finances tab on the My.DaytonaState.edu portal to perform an Account Inquiry to check for any outstanding balances due and the corresponding due date. If fees are not paid in full by the due date, your registration will be canceled and your classes dropped.

After classes begin, additional late registration fees or reinstatement fees may apply and payment of all charges will be due at the time of registration.

You may pay your tuition and fees by cash, check, money order, debit card, VISA, MasterCard, Discover Card or American Express. Online payment processing is available through the MyDaytonaState portal. Payments may also be made in person at any campus or by mail. Please DO NOT SEND CASH BY MAIL.


  • Daytona State's tuition and fees are based upon your status as a legal permanent Florida resident.
  • Daytona State follows the state's guidelines regarding residency for tuition purposes. Students who have not completed the residency process completely, or those whose residency cannot be determined, will be charged the non-resident rate until a final determination is made.
  • Fees to audit a course are the same as the cost of a credit course.
  • Many courses require lab fees, distance learning fees, and/or insurance fees in addition to per credit tuition charges.
  • Full-cost charges (equivalent to non-resident tuition charges) will be assessed to students who repeat a course(s) for the third time. (See Full Cost of Instruction, Maximum Attempts, Grade Forgiveness and Withdrawals for more information.)
  • Personal checks are accepted only for the exact amount of fees.
  • Students assume the responsibility to drop classes before the end of the drop period for each term and session. Otherwise, payment will be expected, regardless of attendance. Please review the Academic Calendar for these important dates for each term and session.
  • Students accept responsibility for meeting the prerequisite course requirements for every class in which they are enrolled. It is the student's responsibility to withdraw from a course if they withdraw from or fail a prerequisite class. If the student decides to remain in the class without meeting the prerequisite, the student will do so at their own discretion and liability.
  • If you need financial assistance, contact the Financial Aid Office before you register. Veterans eligible for VA education benefits are granted a deferment once per academic year. The deferment may be for up to 60 days, but will always be due before the end of the semester. Consult the Veterans Specialist in Building 130, Room 124, on the Daytona Beach Campus.
  • All unpaid obligations, regardless of whether they are past due or current, result in a hold being placed on student records, diplomas, transcripts and registration activity until the obligation is paid in full.


Since many of our graduates will eventually transfer to a state university, students should be aware of a new provision affecting the tuition charges at the universities. Section 1009.286, as amended Florida Statutes, establishes an "excess hour" surcharge of 100% for a student seeking a baccalaureate degree at a state university. It is critical that students, including those entering Florida colleges, are aware of the potential for additional course fees.

"Excess hours" are defined as hours that go beyond 115% of the hours required for a baccalaureate degree program. For example, if the length of the program is 120 credit hours, the student may be subject to an excess hour surcharge for any credits attempted beyond 138 credit hours (120 x 115%).

All students whose educational plan may include earning a bachelor's degree should make every effort to enroll in and successfully complete those courses that are required for their intended major on their first attempt. Florida college students intending to transfer to a state university should identify a major or "transfer program" early and be advised of admission requirements for that program, including the approved common prerequisites. Course withdrawals and/or repeats, as well as enrollment in courses non-essential to the intended major, may contribute to a potential excess hours surcharge.

This law was passed by the Legislature to encourage each student to complete the baccalaureate degree in the most efficient way possible.

Tuition and Fee Schedule 2021-2022

Tuition rates are subject to change based on legislative action and/or at the discretion of the District Board of Trustees.

Associate of Arts and Associate of Science Degree Programs
In-State Per Credit Hour Out-of-State Per Credit Hour
Tuition $79.22 $311.18
Financial Aid Fee $3.86 $15.46
Technology Fee $3.86 $15.46
Student Activity Fee $7.72 $7.72
Capital Improvement Fee $7.72 $48.83
Total $102.38 $398.65
Vocational Certificate Programs
In-State Per Credit Hour Out-of-State Per Credit Hour
Tuition $68.53 $276.09
Financial Aid Fee $6.85 $27.41
Technology Fee $3.43 $13.71
Capital Improvement Fee $3.43 $11.75
Total $82.24 $328.96
Baccalaureate Degree Programs
In-State Per Credit Hour Out-of-State Per Credit Hour
Tuition $91.79 $550.43
Financial Aid Fee $4.50 $4.50
Technology Fee $4.50 $4.50
Student Activity Fee $9.00 $9.00
Capital Improvement Fee $10.53 $54.86
Total $120.32 $623.29
Continuing Workforce Education
Tuition Fees must cover Fees must cover full cost of instruction.
Adult Education and Applied Academics Programs
In-State Per Semester Out-of-State Per Semester
Tuition $30.00 $30.00
Total $30.00 $30.00

Other Fees

Application Fee: International Students Only $50 / first semester only

Assessment Fee: $34 / first semester only

Access Fee: $1.16 / credit hour

Late Registration Fee: $50 / semester

Laboratory Fees (Varies by course): $2 - $1,506

Distance Learning Course Fee: $15 / credit hour

Testing Fees: $10 - $80*

Returned Check Fee Per F.S.: 832.08 - minimum $25

Transcript Fee: $5 / Transcript

Graduation Fee (non-refundable) – one charge per academic tier:

  • High School $10
  • Certificate $10
  • Associate $20
  • Baccalaureate $20

Collection Fees: If obligations are not paid in full upon notification by the College, these debts may be referred to an outside collection agency and to appropriate credit bureaus. Resulting collection fees will be added to the original debt and the student must pay these fees as well as attorney's fees if applicable. Furthermore, all unpaid obligations will result is a negative service indicator on student records, diplomas, transcripts and future registration activity.

*There may be additional testing fees charged by the test publisher, which the student pays directly to the publisher.