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Full Cost of Instruction

The following information applies to courses attempted at Daytona State College only. Courses completed at another institution and transferred to Daytona State are not impacted by the following rules, but may require an enrollment override by the Enrollment Services staff.

Maximum attempts for full cost of instruction in each course:

Students are normally permitted to enroll in the same course a maximum of three times. Students will be assessed 100 percent of the full cost of instruction (the out-of-state tuition rate) on the third attempt unless the college grants a one-time exception to the student due to extenuating circumstances or financial hardship. Students may not withdraw from the third or fourth attempt.

Students are permitted to appeal to take a course a fourth time if they were unsuccessful during their third attempt due to major extenuating circumstances. Students will be assessed the full cost of instruction on the fourth attempt. There is no appeal to reduce the full-cost assessment on the fourth attempt. All grades from the third and subsequent attempts will be calculated in the student's grade point average. A fifth attempt is not allowed under any circumstances.

Application forms for an appeal are available at the Question & Answer or Falcon Center on any Daytona State campus, online at the Registration website, or from the Enrollment Services staff on any campus. Applications deadline to submit a Full Cost 3rd Attempt or Fourth Attempt appeal is before the add/drop date of the semester you want to enroll in the class. The full-cost assessment is the equivalent of the nonresident fee for courses. Additional fee information is available in the Student Accounts section of this catalog under Tuition and Fee Information.

Course Repeats:

Students are not permitted to repeat courses in which a grade of "C" or better was earned. This includes a grade of "C" or better transferred in from another institution. Students may repeat a course for grade forgiveness twice. Upon the third attempt in the same course, the highest grade earned is a final grade and cannot be forgiven. Students should understand that other institutions may not honor Daytona State's grade forgiveness policy. As a result, students' grade point averages may change when they transfer to another institution. In addition, repeating courses to improve grades may impact a student's financial aid award. Students receiving financial aid should contact the Financial Aid Office prior to repeating any courses. Courses that are designed as "repeatable courses" in the Course Descriptions area of the college catalog may be repeated and are not subject to the forgiveness policy.