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MyDaytonaState Online Enrollment


MyDaytonaState is a convenient, secure way to access the information and transactions you need online around the clock by using Falcon Self-Service. Privacy is of the utmost importance to us and your educational records are protected by FERPA. You can learn more about FERPA and other consumer information in the Student Consumer section of this catalog.

Step-by-step guides for navigating your student portal can be found at www.daytonastate.edu/help

Class Schedule/Registration

View your schedule and enroll/drop update classes using the Manage Classes tile of Falcon Self-Service. Be sure to review your tuition due date, and pay your bill, through the Student Accounts tile.

College Communications

Daytona State will communicate using its college-sponsored email system and the MyDaytonaState portal. Students must check FalconMail routinely and review the information within MyDaytonaState. Information regarding Registration & and Records, including holds, transcript evaluation, appeals and graduation, are communicated through FalconMail. Financial Aid and Student Account information is available through the Student Accounts and Financial Aid tiles.

Course Availability

Search the available course offerings to look for open classes that meet your personal scheduling needs by reviewing the Manage Classes tile > Enroll by My Requirements.

FalconMail (Student Email)

FalconMail is email available to all current students, faculty and staff at Daytona State College.

Financial Aid Award Status

Any missing documents are visible under the Holds/To-Do’s tile of Falcon Self-Service. View your detailed financial aid status by clicking the Financial Aid tile, then selecting the appropriate aid year.

MyDaytonaState Username and Password

Before you can access MyDaytonaState you will need your username and password.

Your username is: yourfirstname_yourlastname@daytonastate.edu

Your password is: Dsc (Capital D, lowercase s, lowercase c) + Your birthdate in MMDDYY format + the last five digits of your social security number.

Example: Birthdate of January 1, 1990 with a social of 123-45-6789 the password would be Dsc01019056789

We STRONGLY encourage you to utilize the password manager to change your password upon first successful login.

Should the default password (Dsc + Your birthdate in MMDDYY format + the last five digits of your social security number) not work, please attempt without adding the last five digits of your social security number.

Student privacy laws prevent us from changing passwords based on a telephone or email request.

Personal Information

Update your personal information by clicking on the Profile tile so College staff can contact you about courses, events and upcoming registrations.

Student Help Desk

Provides you with troubleshooting information and frequently asked questions about using the Web, MyDaytonaState and some basic computing tutorials. This is not a live, technical support site. Live technical is support available during college work hours.

Transcript Requests

View and print your unofficial transcript via the Student Records tile > View Unofficial Transcript. Official transcripts must be ordered online via the Request Official Transcript tile using Falcon Self-Service from your MyDaytonaState account.

View Student Grades

Look up your from Student Records tile > View Grades of Falcon Self-Service. Grades are not mailed each semester.