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Auditing a Course

Students who do not want to earn college credit for a course or have taken a course before and received a grade of "C" or better may audit a course. College preparatory courses may not be audited. Students must meet all requisites and placement standings when auditing a course. Students who desire to audit a course must complete an Audit form, have it signed by the instructor, and return it to the Falcon Center or Question and Answer Center no later than the last day of the add/drop period. An audit status may not revert back to a grade status after the last day of the add/drop period. Credit courses and audited courses are assessed the same tuition and fees. Tuition and fees for audited courses are not covered by a third party such as Financial Aid, Scholarships, Veteran's Benefits, etc. and are the students' responsibility. Dual Enrollment students are not eligible to audit a course. Students who audit a course will receive a grade of "X" on their official student record and will not be given credit for the course. No grade is earned to calculate into the grade point average. An audited course is not counted or used when calculating GPA, academic standing, graduation requirements, veteran's benefits or other financial aid eligibility or for certifying enrollment for outside agencies. Students may repeat an audited course for credit at a later date as long as it does not violate any other Daytona State College policies or regulations.