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Accounting Technology Operations - Tax Preparation, A.S. Certificate

Program Information

A.S. Certificate - Code 0935 - Catalog 2017/2018

Max Grunbaum Nagiel, Assistant Chair, 386-506-3829, Max.Nagiel@daytonastate.edu

Jerold Braun, 386-506-3538, Jerold.Braun@daytonastate.edu

School of Business Admin., 386-506-4227

Program Mission, Description, and Outcomes


In support of the College mission, the Accounting Technology Operations program mission is to provide students with a working knowledge of principles, practices and tools necessary for a successful career in tax preparation.


The program provides a solid foundation in theory and practice needed to work in the field of tax preparation.


Graduates of the program will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate clear and effective communication.
  2. Solve business problems using critical thinking.
  3. Identify and discuss legal and ethical issues in tax preparation, financial planning, and the business environment.
  4. Use appropriate software and hardware to produce tax returns, financial plans, and financial reports.
  5. Demonstrate a basic working knowledge of estate planning, investment planning and cash management.
  6. Apply Generally Accepted Accounting Principles to record, summarize, and report business transactions.

Credits earned in this certificate may be applied toward the 208400 AS degree in Accounting Technology and 094300 Accounting Technology Management certificate.

Note: To ensure Financial Aid program eligibility, students need to also be accepted to the parallel associate degree program.

Approximate Additional Costs

Program Tuition and Fees: $1,843*

Access Fee: $23 ($1.26 per credit)

Assessment Fee: $33

Textbook Estimate: $600

*In-state tuition only; out-of-state tuition will be higher.

Financing Options: All students are encouraged to apply for federal and state student financial assistance by completing their FAFSA at http://www.fafsa.gov. For more information on grants, loads and work programs available see the Office of Financial Aid webpage at http://www.daytonastate.edu/finaid. Students are also encouraged to apply for one of the may Daytona State College Foundation scholarships offered each semester. For more information see: http://daytonastate.edu/scholarships.

Additional Admission Requirements

  • Program Specific Courses require a "C" or better.


Program Length: The typical length of this program is two (2) semesters for a full-time student, with 27% graduating within 2 semesters for 2014-15. The Florida Education and Training Placement Information Program (FETPIP) lists the placement rate (2013-14) for this field at 77%.

Some credits earned in this program may be applied toward the Accounting Technology Management Certificate #094300.

Some credits earned in this program may be applied toward the AS degree in Accounting Technology #208400.

The following information is required by federal regulations to be provided to students for all vocational and certificate programs. Additional information on any career, job, salary potential can be found at http://www.onetonline.org. For additional career information please see: http://www.onetonline.org/link/summary/13-2082.00

Note: Need help preparing for your job search? Login to Daytona State's Career Services Online (CSO) to create your personal career account, or email your Daytona State College Career Advisor.

Program Specific Courses

APA1111Office Accounting I


APA1121Office Accounting II


APA1711Computerized Spreadsheet


FIN1100Personal Financial Planning


QMB1001Business Math


TAX2000Personal Income Tax


Sample Program of Study

1st Semester

APA1111Office Accounting I


APA1711Computerized Spreadsheet


FIN1100Personal Financial Planning


QMB1001Business Math


2nd Semester

APA1121Office Accounting II


TAX2000Personal Income Tax


Note: Sequence of courses may vary. Check catalog course descriptions for requisite requirements.

Total: 18