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Academic Second Chance Policy

The Academic Second Chance program is an “amnesty” (once in an lifetime) program that benefits students who are returning to the college or transferring to Daytona State when their prior educational experience has not been totally satisfactory.

Upon the Academic Second Chance Amnesty Appeal approval, qualifying courses with the original grade of “F” is excluded from GPA calculations and are coded as “AMN” indicating the amnesty has been applied.

The program will only apply to additional courses taken toward a subsequent degree.

Courses that receive amnesty will count for the Financial Aid Satisfactory Progress Policy regarding attempted and/or earned credits.

However, students planning to transfer to another college or university are cautioned that the receiving institution may use all original grades earned when computing a GPA for admissions eligibility or for other purposes.


A.  Academic Second Chance Program – Daytona State College Returning Students

The Academic Second Chance Program allows former students of Daytona State College who return to college after a three calendar year break in higher education enrollment to have coursework with a grade of “F” be excluded from Daytona State College GPA calculations once their appeal is approved.


  • Return to Daytona State after a minimum of a three-year break in higher education enrollment.
  • Complete 12 credits and completing all courses attempted (college preparatory and/or developmental courses are not counted).
  • Earn a “C” or higher in all courses attempted.
  • Submit a petition to the Records Office for review. (If a student petitions after completing more than 12 credits, all credits attempted must have been completed with a “C” of better and/or a 2.0 GPA to be considered for amnesty.) 

Students who are repeating courses with grades of "F" will still use the current grade forgiveness policy that uses the highest grade when calculating GPA.

If a student has earned a certificate and subsequently takes additional courses toward an associate degree, only the new courses taken would be applicable to this policy. The same applies to students who return for a second associate degree.

The Second Chance Program DOES NOT apply:

  • Once a certificate or an associate or bachelor’s degree has been earned

    The Second Chance Program DOES apply:

  • If a student has earned a certificate and subsequently takes additional courses toward an associate degree, only the new courses taken would be applicable to this policy. The same applies to students who return for a second associate degree.


B.  Academic Second Chance Program – Daytona State College Current Students

Many times, students are unsure of their career goals, or may attempt courses and programs not suited to their academic skills. For students who are successful after a career and/or program change, the Academic Second Chance Policy permits a student to select up to three grades of “F” (not to be used in the GPA calculations) for courses required earned previously in required courses (not electives or General Education courses).

In the prior major with DSC, an “F” earned in previously required courses will be marked as “AMN” and not counted in the GPA. To take advantage of this provision the student must have earned 50% of the credits toward their new program. 

For example:

  • AA students changing to AS where the amnesty courses are not required in the new program.
  • AS students changing to AA where the amnesty courses are not required in the new program.
  • AS students changing to another AS where the courses are not required in the new program.


C.  Academic Second Chance Policy – Daytona State College Transfer Students

New students transferring to Daytona State College will automatically take advantage of the Academic Second Chance Policy for Transfer Students. The college will not transfer grades of “F” and “W” onto the Daytona State College transcript.

This policy does not apply to students who were enrolled at the college prior to fall 2009. The college will continue to require the receipt of all prior college transcripts, even if no credits are to be awarded in transfer.


How will the Academic Amnesty reflect on my Daytona State College Transcript?

Grades for courses that qualify for this amnesty program will remain on the transcript and coded as “AMN” to indicate the amnesty was applied.

The following statement will be added to the student’s course on the transcript as: “Academic Amnesty and the transcript legend will indicate “AMN” grade.


Financial Aid Satisfactory Progress Policy

Courses that receive amnesty will still count for the Financial Aid Satisfactory Progress Policy with regards to attempted and/or earned credits.

The program will have no effect on the student’s financial aid award history. It also has no effect on the calculation of course attempts related to the multiple course attempts surcharge.


Student Caution:

  • Students must clearly understand that other colleges may not use the Daytona State College GPA for transfer purposes if any type of grade amnesty has been applied.
  • Students planning to transfer to another college or university are cautioned that the receiving institution may use all original grades earned when computing a GPA for admissions eligibility or for other purposes.