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Records and Registration

Students register for classes each semester based on the dates listed in the academic calendar. Before registering for classes, we encourage you to use the information here as a guide to ensure your success. You may register online at MyDaytonaState or at Daytona State College's Daytona Beach, DeLand, Deltona, Flagler/Palm Coast and New Smyrna Beach-Edgewater campuses.

Facts about Registration

  • Schedule of Classes - A listing of all classes offered for a specific semester is available online at http://www.daytonastate.edu. Using the Course Search feature, you can search by campus, sub-session, instructional method, time of day and other variables.
  • Advance Registration - Typically a three-day period which allows currently enrolled students to register on a priority order based on credits earned.
  • Open Registration - For new or returning students and those who did not register during the advance registration period.
  • Transfer Hours - For currently enrolled students will be calculated into the advanced registration time if all transcripts have been received and evaluated.
  • Schedule Adjustment - Students may continue to modify their schedules throughout the registration period and up until the last day of the add/drop period listed in the academic calendar.
  • Audit Registration - Students who do not want to earn college credit for a course may enroll as audit students. Students desiring to audit a course must complete the Audit form, have it signed by the instructor and return it to the Question and Answer or Falcon Center no later than the last day of the add/drop period. Students may not audit developmental courses.
  • State Employee Registration - State employees as identified by the Florida Accounting and Information Resource website may register and have their tuition waived for a maximum of six hours per semester under the following conditions:
    1. Fulfill all admission and placement testing requirements of the College
    2. Register on the designated State Employee registration dates as indicated in the academic calendar
    3. Enroll only in courses on a space-available basis
    4. Enroll in courses as either a credit or audit student. Enrollments are subject to all College academic regulations, including required placement testing, prerequisites and limits on course repeats and grade forgiveness. State employees will be assessed fees for the full cost of instruction for any course in which they exceed the maximum number of attempts
    5. State employees will be assessed other fees, i.e. laboratory fees, assessment fees, access fees, etc.
  • Reinstatement Procedure - Students wishing to re-register into a section after the add/drop date for any given semester must meet the following criteria:
    1. Must have been registered and attending the course prior to the add/drop date and subsequently dropped due to cancellation for non-payment, class roll or other process. Courses dropped due to an administrative error, documented by a signed statement from the faculty member or director/department chairperson of the department that caused the error, may be reinstated.
    2. Must have a signature from the department chair for each course in which they are re-enrolling, indicating that they have been attending the section and have permission to get back into the course.
    3. If reinstatement occurs after grades have been submitted, each instructor must also deliver a memo to the Records Office (not via the student) that indicates what grade the student should receive.
    4. Students who withdraw from class(es) may not be reinstated.
    5. All documentation must not have a date more than five business days prior to when the reinstatement is processed.

Attendance Policy

Regular attendance is a critical part of your success. Students are expected to attend class meetings as scheduled. When an absence is unavoidable, students should notify their instructors as soon as possible. Make-up work and deadlines will be at the discretion of the instructor. Faculty may adopt attendance policies in the classes they teach. In such cases, the faculty member will describe the policy and its impact, if any, on the student's grade.

Daytona State College takes attendance twice within each session of a term. The initial attendance roster is completed following the add/drop period of each session (A, B, and full term). Financial aid students who are marked as not attending during this time will be dropped from the course for non-payment because attendance in the course is required to apply that class to your financial aid eligibility.

A second roster will go out after the withdrawal deadline for each session. Students who are reported as not attending leading up to the published withdrawal deadline date will be administratively withdrawn from the class. A last date of attendance will be reported and used to calculate the return of any Title IV aid (including Pell grant, Stafford Loans, etc).