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Student Consumer Information

In order to provide students with information related to attending Daytona State College, the following reports, policies and general information are available to students at the websites indicated, or by requesting a printed copy from the respective office.

Academic Programs and Policies

The complete list of programs and course descriptions can be found in the college catalog. The catalog also has links for academic information and graduation requirements, and for policies regarding academic standards of progress.

Student Privacy Information

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) provides certain rights to students related to educational records. This information can be found in the college catalog or is available from the Records Office, Wetherell Center on the Daytona Beach Campus. FERPA regulations pertain to the release of student records to third parties, including parents, and the right to review and amend student records. For more information: Records Maintenance and Privacy Guidelines

Campus Crime Statistics and Safety Policies

This information is available from Campus Safety, Bailey Hall on the Daytona Beach Campus, or from campus safety office on any regional campus. For more information visit: https://www.daytonastate.edu/safety-and-security/index.html.

Textbook Affordability

The Daytona State College Bookstore is committed to developing and implementing strategies to comply with textbook affordability procedures set forth in Florida Statute 1004.085. Our main objective is to minimize the cost of textbooks to students. The textbook lists are posted in compliance with Rule 6A-14.092, Textbook Affordability.

Click to view or download the textbook lists here: https://www.daytonastate.edu/student-resources/bookstore/textbook-affordability.html 

Financial Assistance Information

The Financial Aid Office administers all federal, state and local grant, loan, work and scholarship programs. This information can be found in the college catalog, and from the Financial Aid Office, Wetherell Center, on the Daytona Beach Campus, or at each of the regional campuses. For more information: https://www.daytonastate.edu/financial-aid/index.html.

For specific information about loan options and repayment options please see the following: Loan Options

Athletic Participation and Financial Support

Information about athletic program participation rates and financial support, and the annual completion and graduation rates of student athletes can be obtained from the Athletic Department, Lemerand center, Rm. 235, on the Daytona Beach Campus, or from the Athletic Department website at: https://www.dscfalcons.com/landing/index.

Drug Free Workplace

In compliance with the Drug Free Schools and Campuses Act of 1989, Daytona State prohibits the illegal use, purchase, sale, distribution, manufacture, or possession of drugs and alcohol on its campuses, or at any college-related activities. This policy applies to all employees and students. Employees, students and job applicants are required to receive information and or sign a Drug Free Certification form at the time of admission to the college. For more information: https://www.daytonastate.edu/safety-and-security/.

For more information about the college’s response to the Drug Free Schools and Campuses Act, please see our Annual Safety Report

Graduation/Completion and Transfer-out Rates

This information is available on the Daytona State Web or from the Office of Institutional Research, Wetherell Center, on the Daytona Beach Campus. To access online, please go to: https://www.daytonastate.edu/faculty-and-staff/institutional-research/publications-and-surveys.html.

Institutional Information

Information about Daytona State regarding its academic and financial policies and practices can be found throughout the online college catalog. Searches can be done to find specific information about the cost of attending Daytona State, including the tuition and fees charged, estimates for the cost of books and necessary supplies, and any additional program costs. In addition, the catalog includes information regarding refund policies; the requirements and procedures for officially withdrawing from the institution; a summary of the requirements for the return of Title IV grant or loan assistance; a listing of the academic programs of the institution, including the current degree programs and other educational and training programs; the instructional, laboratory, and other physical facilities which relate to the academic program; and the institution's faculty and other instructional personnel. Other information in the catalog includes: The names of associations, agencies or governmental bodies that accredit, approve, or license the institution and its programs, and the procedures by which documents describing that activity may be reviewed; a description of the facilities and services available to disabled students and how to access the services; and information about study abroad and other consortia programs.

Other information of a general demographic nature can be found at: https://www.daytonastate.edu/faculty-and-staff/institutional-research/publications-and-surveys.html.

Voter Registration Information

Voter registration forms are available from the Records Office, Wetherell Center, on the Daytona Beach Campus, from the Student Life Office, and from your County Supervisor of Elections Office of your permanent residence.

The website for Volusia County is: http://volusia.org/elections.

The website for Flagler County is: http://www.flaglerelections.com

Economic Security Report of Employment and Earning Outcomes

This link provides information on employment and earning outcomes based on degrees and certificate programs: Economic Security Report