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Academic Standards of Progress

The college graduation requirement states a student must have earned 2.0 cumulative GPA and a 2.0 GPA for Daytona State College classes. Therefore, students have this minimum GPA requirement as a goal throughout their enrollment, and the plan outlined below outlines the process for informing, advising, and counseling students who fall below this minimum threshold.

For the Satisfactory Academic Progress policy described below, the term "cumulative GPA" is defined to mean either the cumulative GPA or the Daytona State College GPA, because both must be met to meet the graduation criteria.

Daytona State College offers Undergraduate College Credit Career and Vocational Certificate Career. A student can only be registered one career per term.  This process will review the Cumulative GPA in the career a student is currently registered.

Academic Alert
The first time a student's cumulative GPA falls below 2.0 will be considered to be on Academic Alert. Each student will be contacted by email and/or phone by an academic advisor or faculty mentor to discuss issues with course work and why student was unsuccessful. After completing the Alert semester, a student's whose term GPA is below a 2.0, will be placed on Academic Warning and notified. A student who earns a term GPA greater than 2.0 while on Academic Alert, but is still less that a 2.0 cumulative GPA, will remain on Academic Alert.

Academic Warning
A student is considered to be on academic warning when either the term GPA while on Academic Alert, or the cumulative GPA is below 2.0 after completing an Academic Alert semester. A student on Academic Warning will remain on Academic Warning until the cumulative GPA reaches 2.0 when the student is returned to good standing. After completing the Academic Warning semester, if the student's term GPA is below a 2.0, the student is placed on probation and notified at the end of the term.


A student is considered on probation when either the term GPA or cumulative GPA is below 2.0 and they had a previous academic warning classification in which they were not successful in returning to good academic standing. A student is informed of the probation classification at the end of the term. A student on academic probation will have an advising hold placed on the student's record and is required to speak to an academic advisor to develop an intervention strategy that would assist them in meeting individualized educational goals. Required strategies will include but are not limited to:

1. Repeating all courses where the final grade of "D" or "F" has been earned and/or;
2. Enrolling in fewer courses than past attempts in a given term.

A student will be removed from academic probation and returned to good standing when his/her cumulative GPA is a 2.0 or higher. A student will return to Academic Warning status if his/her term GPA is a 2.0 or higher but the cumulative GPA is still below a 2.0. If while on probation, the student fails to earn a 2.0 term GPA, the student's status will be changed to academic suspension.

Academic Suspension
Students placed on suspension will be required to stop enrollment for one major semester (Spring or Fall). A student will be allowed to appeal a suspension based upon extraordinary, one-time events during their probationary semester that should not affect academic success in the future.

If a suspended student wishes to return, he/she may submit an appeal to the Records Office requesting reinstatement. The appeal should explain what factors prevented the student from succeeding earlier and how those factors will no longer interfere with the student's progress. If the appeal is granted, the student also is required to meet with the Academic Advisor to review and once again develop a prescriptive program before the student is allowed to register.

The record will be reviewed at the end of the reinstated semester to verify successful cumulative GPA measure, and the continued enrollment at Daytona State College. If at the end of the reinstated semester, he/she is not meeting the requirements, he/she will be required to sit out for an entire year (Spring through Fall, Fall through Summer, Summer through Spring)

The returning student will still be on probation and his/her status will be reviewed again at the end of the semester. If the student does not earn a 2.0 term GPA in their return, completing all classes attempted, the suspension will be reinstated.